How to Optimize RecyclerView performance by implementing the ViewHolder Programming Mobile Development by Mikekelvin …); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) { holder.textView.setText("Item " + position); } @Override public int getItemCount() { return 100… setText() problem with setEnabled() Programming Software Development by dreadrocksean … in the pi() method for the setText(...) lines in order to put them on…public void setResult(String type, double d) { resultField.setText("" + d); } public void setCount(int …i) { count.setText("" + i); } public final void showWindow()… SetText function Programming Software Development by digrev01 … am pretty new to java i wrote this code but setText doesnt work i mean i cant reset the contol after….swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/resim/tux.png"))); **jTextField1.setText("");** } } [/CODE] Re: SetText function Programming Software Development by stultuske … you keep that line, or just doesn't run the setText? if so, have you tried doing the… setText() - where's refresh? Programming Software Development by Zibo …=Java]for( int i=0; i <= 10000; i++ ) myTextArea.setText( myTextArea.getText()+ i + "\n");[/code] What is the… Re: setText() - where's refresh? Programming Software Development by Zibo …(false); for( int i=0; i < 1000; i++ ) myTextArea.setText( myTextArea.getText()+i ); setFinish(true); } }).start(); } } (...) }[/code] Is this the… Re: setText() - where's refresh? Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … text update SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { myTextArea.setText(myTextArea.getText() + i); } }); // sleep for a bit so repaint and… Re: setText() - where's refresh? Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill …'t need to run the text update on the EDT, setText is one of the very few swing methods that is… Re: setText() - where's refresh? Programming Software Development by Zibo … run() { for( int i=0; i<10000; i++ ) myTextArea.setText( myTextArea.getText() + i + "\n" ); buttonThread = null; } } ); buttonThread.start… setText field from another class Programming Software Development by Slyvr … moneys; } public void setMoney (int money) { this.moneys = money; txtMoney.setText(""+money); }[/CODE] I think this would work, but… Re: help with label setText Programming Software Development by stultuske `.setText("");` IS what you have to do to clear the text. you could also put: `.setVisible(false);` or something similar. has it ever occurred to you that the reason it's not being executed is because your if-statement never returns true? help with label setText Programming Software Development by thomas_18 … - 1) { gui.reset(); gui.correctLabel.setText(""); } else { gui.buttonCounter++; … gui.COLUMNS) { gui.reset(); } gui.statusLabel.setText("click" + gui.buttonCounter + "+1… using the setText() method - getting error cannot find symbol Programming Software Development by rickilambert …name.split("\\s"); //txtbgreenentry.setText(splitresult[0]); //txtbyellowentry.setText(splitresult[0]); /** System.out.println(…name.split("\\s"); //txtbdisplaymatch.setText(splitresult[0]); txtbyellowentry.setText(splitresult[0]); /** System.out.println(splitresult… JButton setText() -- Threading issue Programming Software Development by kvass …setSize(10,10); } public void clear() { tempText = " "; setText(" "); } public boolean isEmpty() { return (tempText.equals(" …symbolList.add(new Tile(-1,-1)); symbolList.get(0).setText(symbol); Tile[] temp = new Tile[3]; ArrayList&… jLabel.setText not working Programming Software Development by Ralphael … 0, 72)); // NOI18N jLabel4.setText(":"); jLabel4.setVerticalAlignment(javax.swing.…quot;:"+currMin+":"+currSec); hour.setText(currHour); } // Variables declaration - … Re: help with label setText Programming Software Development by thomas_18 … the correctLabel and not the new JLabel(buttonClicked.getText correctLabel.setText(" "); Re: JButton setText() -- Threading issue Programming Software Development by kvass … has to do with the threading order -- i want the setText() method to be finished BEFORE my code continues running. And… Re: JButton setText() -- Threading issue Programming Software Development by kvass … has not yet been changed (I think b/c the setText() thread is behind the main application one), the computer acts… Jbuttons moving after use of setText(); Programming Software Development by Avengerofsok …job, you just pressed the A button!"); A.setText("A test"); } } public class B …job, you just pressed the B button!"); B.setText("B test"); } } public class C …job, you just pressed the C button!"); C.setText("C test"); } } public class D … Re: Jbuttons moving after use of setText(); Programming Software Development by hanvyj …(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { b.setText("otherText"); } }); c.add(b, BorderLayout…ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { a.setText("otherText"); } }); b.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){… SwingUtilities.invokeLater() and JLabel.setText() Programming Software Development by davidnorth …change my JLabel text via a timer using .setText I have 2 small apps to demonstrate my problem… = 0.0; protected void redrawPanel() { if( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) { label.setText( "" + m_d ); } else { Runnable run = new Runnable()… jPanel setText from other class Programming Software Development by JSS540 … the text of the label, I use .setText() inside my jFrame and it works great.…jFrame): [CODE]public void setjLabel_answer(String jLabeltext) { jLabel_answer.setText(jLabeltext); System.out.println(jLabeltext); }[/CODE] …'t change text?? :( When I use jLabel_answer.setText("test") [B]inside [/B]my … Re: JavaFX Label setText NullPointer Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 … void update() { sceneController.totalGoldLabel.setText(Float.toString(game.getTotalGold())); //controller.currentGoldLabel.setText(Float.toString(game.getCurGold())); //controller.clickCountLabel.setText(Integer.toString(game.getClickCount… Re: JavaFX Label setText NullPointer Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 … void update() { sceneController.totalGoldLabel.setText(Float.toString(game.getTotalGold())); sceneController.currentGoldLabel.setText(Float.toString(game.getCurGold())); sceneController.clickCountLabel.setText(Integer.toString(game.getClickCount… JTextField not getting updated when using setText(String) method Programming Software Development by joysjojo … and prints it using println method but wen i use setText method to populate my textfield its not working. :rolleyes: But… the setText works fine wen called inside a constructor. Please do help… Re: SwingUtilities.invokeLater() and JLabel.setText() Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill …, or as an instance of something more general, but JLabel setText(...), unlike most Swing code, is threadsafe, so you don't… Re: SwingUtilities.invokeLater() and JLabel.setText() Programming Software Development by davidnorth Thanks guys, Thanks for the response. I went back to my declarations of my code and found I was debugging an invisible frame. The .setText() for the JLabel worked successfully. Happy coding. JLabel.setText Problem Programming Software Development by topest1 … Label:[/B] [ATTACH]12891[/ATTACH] [B]After setText:[/B] [ATTACH]12892[/ATTACH] label.setText(); It doesn't update properly New text gets… Android TextView.setText() Problem? Programming Mobile Development by fuggles … do this, but it doesn't work. I also tried .setText("Hello"); to it and it does work, it…: [code=Java] TextView press_count = (TextView)findViewById(; press_count.setText(num_pressed); [/code] Java Applet getSource or setText not working Programming Software Development by phantomD … figure out is the problem I'm having with either setText or getSource (last bit of code). Can someone point out…;O"; } else { letter = "X"; } } ((JButton)e.getSource()).setText(letter); ((JButton)e.getSource()).setEnabled(false); } } [/CODE]