OpenAI GPT-4o vs Meta Llama 3 for Zero Shot Text Classifiation Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …(r"/home/mani/Datasets/Tweets.csv") print(dataset.shape) ``` **Output:** ``` (14640, 15) ``` The dataset originally consisted of 14640 tweets… Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … labels. The following script imports the dataset, prints the dataset shape, and displays the dataset's first five rows. ``` ## Dataset download….read_csv(r"D:\Datasets\tweets.csv") print(dataset.shape) dataset.head() ``` **Output:** ![image1.png](… 'Shape' not declared Programming Software Development by c_shaft05 ….h> #else #include <GL/glut.h> #endif Shape::Shape() {} Shape::~Shape() {} Square::Square() {} void Square::draw() { glColor3f(1.0,0.0…: error: ‘Square’ is not a class or namespace shape.cpp: In function ‘int Shape()’: shape.cpp:11: warning: control reaches end of non… Shape Program Programming Software Development by BobC22 …x ] ) << '\n'; return 0; }[/CODE] shape.cpp [CODE]#include "shape.h" Shape::Shape( double x, double y ) { xCenter = x; yCenter… = y; } double Shape::getCenterX() const { return xCenter; } double Shape::getCenterY() … Shape Drawing Exercise not working correctly Programming Software Development by Chris_16 …( cmbHandlerC ); ComboBoxHandlerS cmbHandlerS = new ComboBoxHandlerS(); shape.addItemListener( cmbHandlerS ); CheckBoxHandler cbHandler = new CheckBoxHandler… } } } // Inner class for the shape combobox private class ComboBoxHandlerS implements ItemListener { public … Shape.cpp Programming Software Development by MOjo72 …;(ostream &out, const Shape &shape) { return(out << shape.toString()); } // -------------------------------- // Circle, subclass of Shape // -------------------------------- class Circle: public Shape { public: Circle(double radius… Re: Shape Drawing Exercise not working correctly Programming Software Development by Chris_16 …working is when i go to draw a shape it looks like the screen is glitching. random…of second endpoint private Color myColor; // color of this shape // Constructors public MyShape(){ // a)A no-argument …constructor that sets all the coordinates of the shape to 0 and the // color to Color.BLACK… Re: Shape Program Programming Software Development by mrnutty Did you define them? Also why does ThreeDimensionalShape only store 2 values. Also there is some serious problems with your inheritance diagram. Take another look at the shape class. Look at what it stores. Look at what you need for each class. Re: Shape.cpp Programming Software Development by ravenous …` variable. You have also re-implemented the functions for the `Shape` interface in the `Square` class, which you don't need… Re: Shape redraw on mouse drag event Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … to write any code. Usually people want to show the shape being drawn as the mouse moves, so they write the…: create the list of shapes declare a temporary shape, initially null mousepressed: create new shape in the temporary variable mouse dragged: update… shape tween Digital Media UI / UX Design by jerome.chevreau …, I am a begginner in flash and i was learning shape tween and motion tween. I understand that we must convert… use graphics (that i drew on photoshop or something) in shape. i read that i must break appart the image but… really understand when it comes to use it for the shape tween.. Please can anyone help. PS: would it be possible… Re: shape tween Digital Media UI / UX Design by GreenDay2001 … about since I dont have it. For shape tween, you conver each part into shape. > tutorials You search google and you… shape drawn on canvas not registering mouse click Programming Software Development by rbyrd … around on the canvas once they are drawn. A given shape will be drawn when an appropriate button is pressed. I… test code below should print the mouse coordinates when the shape is clicked. But it seems on_click() is never called. What… Shape redraw on mouse drag event Programming Software Development by RAHEEL_3 Hello eveyone, Please tell me why triangle shape is redrawing on mouse move. It want triangle shape draw only once until mouse release… Re: shape drawn on canvas not registering mouse click Programming Software Development by vegaseat Only responds when you click on the border of the rectangle. You have to fill the rectangle with eg. white to make the whole shape respond. Re: Shape redraw on mouse drag event Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … to `triangles` If you want to see the triangle change shape as you drag the mouse, then use `drawPolygon` to draw… shape detection from image Programming Software Development by samreen36 hello i am making a project shape detection i started in c# but i have to face … Re: shape detection from image Programming Software Development by abelLazm …[/URL] and [URL=""]2… Re: shape detection from image Programming Software Development by skatamatic There are all sorts of graphics libraries for .net... What kind of functionality are you looking for? If you are looking for a library that does shape detection for you, don't expect it to be free and don't expect a good mark (or any mark for that matter :P ) Help with a triangle shape Programming Software Development by KittyGirl … the user to input 3 numbers, then outputs the shape of the triangle. This is what I have so …B; cin>>C; triangleShape (shape); if (shape == equilateral) cout<<"The shape of the triangle is: equilateral"; … is: scalene"; else cout<<"The shape of the triangle is: noTriangle"; cout<<… Polymorphism in java(Shape Hierarchy) Programming Software Development by shockwave_05 …circle, square, and triangle[/B]. Under the three-dimensional shape you have the [B]sphere, cube, and tetrahedron[/B…whether each shape is a two-dimensional shape or a three-dimensional shape. If a shape is a two-dimensional shape, display …it's area. If a shape is a three-dimensional shape,… Re: Polymorphism in java(Shape Hierarchy) Programming Software Development by h3xc0de …;[CODE=java] //superclass shape public class Shape { } //subclass 2d shape public class Shape2d extends Shape { } //subclass 3d shape public class Shape3d extends Shape { } [/CODE] "Under… Re: Polymorphism in java(Shape Hierarchy) Programming Software Development by subtercosm …the abstract method in the base class Shape. By declaring the abstract method in Shape, you're saying to the rest of… the program that "a Shape is something that can answer the question 'Get Area'."…; Anything that is a Shape must be able to answer that question. Therefore, you need… Changing size of shape over time Programming Software Development by TheHealer ….event.*; public class ShapePanel extends JPanel { Shape[] shapes = new Shape[20]; JPanel drawPanel, controlPanel; JButton addShape…(); } }//end of inner ButtonListener class /*where the Shape objects are drawn*/ private class DrawingPanel extends JPanel { … Re: Help with a triangle shape Programming Software Development by jwenting …in your function triangleShape(int). Because you are passing your shape variable to the method by value any changes to the…method are not visible outside the method. To get the shape known outside the method, either give the method a return… type int and use that to set your shape variable to the value calculated or make the method … Re: Polymorphism in java(Shape Hierarchy) Programming Software Development by h3xc0de This is part of the Shape Hierarchy so it should help you get started... [CODE] public class Shape { } public class Shape2d extends Shape { } public class Shape3d extends Shape { } [/CODE] Re: Polymorphism in java(Shape Hierarchy) Programming Software Development by h3xc0de …. The other 2d and 3d shapes are subclasses of the Shape superclass, but you should be able to figure out how… my above code. The code above can be stated as: Shape is a superclass Shape2d is a subclass of… Shape Shape3d is a subclass of Shape Whenever you see the word subclass it means… Re: Polymorphism in java(Shape Hierarchy) Programming Software Development by shockwave_05 … getPI() { return PI; } class shape2d extends Shape { double length; shape2d(double r, double p,… extends shape2d { Triangle(){ } } class shape3d extends Shape { } class Sphere extends shape3d { double PI; … Re: Help with a triangle shape Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula In main(), where does shape get its value? In triangleShape() where do A, B, and C get their values -- and which shape do you mean? Re: Help with a triangle shape Programming Software Development by britt_boy …CODE] I think your instructor means you to have shape of type triangleType. Since triangleShape works out the correct… val for shape, you will need to return it, so that …float C);[/CODE] The main will look something like [CODE]shape = triangleShape(float A, float B, float C);[/CODE] …