Re: Shared Printer Problem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by marythodge4 … physically connected. On the desktop (host) computer: Go to Control Panel > Printers and Faxes. Right-click on the shared printer… Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by jprog1000 … a new ball when two balls collide in the Ball Panel class. When I tried creating a new ball in the… Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by jprog1000 Hello, Thank you again so much! All your additions are clear, but it seems like whenever two balls collide, more than one ball is added to the arraylist and painted. Any way to have just one ball added to the panel for every collision? Have some kind of a toggle flag in paintcomponent? Regards Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani … access to the server, perhaps through a web-based control panel like cPanel, etc.? At first glance, I see that on… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner … access error logs or how can a web based control panel like cPanel be obtained ? Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by toneewa Some minor syntax fixes. Some things to consider are the collision and distance of drawing the next ball. A ball inside a ball's radius will cause numerous collisions. Even the starting ball locations can be already causing collisions. I added a collision counter display. Increased the maximum balls to make to 50. The timer delay can also impact … Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by jprog1000 Thank you so much for your reply and additions! It is certainly working as I wanted. I will read through the code you have added and ask you any questions I might have. I hope you don't mind. Regards Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by Dani I’ll mark this question solved :) Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by Dani … oh, sorry, missed the bit about you still needing clarifications. Feel feee to ask :) I’ll now unmark this topic as solved. /facepalm Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by toneewa I cleaned up the code some more. Removed some things that were not being used. I ran into a couple problems which caused the freeze you mentioned. It was memory heap space and array allocating. E.g., if x or y becomes negative, and also infinite recursion. I added a x/y coordinate display for a ball, and tinkered with the placement of the … Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by toneewa Yes, this is true. Overlapping ball spawns can do that causing a chain reaction. Something like that could be done. How you handle the spawning of the new ball is what I played with a bit before. You will see better collision detection changing to: g.fillOval(ball.getX(), ball.getY(), 1 * ball.getRadius(), 1 * ball.getRadius()); Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by jprog1000 Got it. Thank you so much! Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by aishamushtaq Hi, Its helpful for me. I got my answer. Panel Background Based On Timer Programming Software Development by guru_iyer …; class TimerBackground implements ActionListener { JFrame frame; JPanel panel; JButton btnStart; JButton btnRed; JButton btnGreen; JButton ….setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); frame.setContentPane(panel); panel.add(btnStart); panel.add(btnStop); panel.add(btnRed); panel.add(btnGreen); t.start(); }… Panel Autoscroll not working Programming Software Development by Cap'nKirk …form and am displaying a picturebox on that panel. I have set the Panel Autoscroll to true. Even when I manually make… the panel smaller than the picturebox, no scrollbars are shown, why …"); }; }[/CODE] As you can see, the panel has been set as the parent of the picturebox. I… Panel refesh problem..... Programming Software Development by Nivass …, I have painted the image on the panel and drawn rectangle. now i like to… on that. My problem is when i use panel.invalidate in paint or in mouse move, panle… when i move the mouse over the panel). SO i used panel.invalidate in other events (mouse click, …able to see the moving of rectangle. (the panel only get refreshed after i release the mouse … Panel Sliding and MouseEnter Problem - VB.NET Programming Software Development by Mr Programmers … the players. These are my problems: 1. I want the Panel to slide (Sliding Up and then Down, then Up and… MouseEnter event to work when the mouse touches the Panel during the Panel is sliding. 3. Is it right to use a… and enabled when Button1 is clicked. Timer's interval: 100 Panel's name: Panel1 Timer's name: Timer1 When the user… Panel Control hides the other control Programming Software Development by tapandesai007 …Forms.Button(); this.PlatinumPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // btnPlatinum // this.btnPlatinum.….Forms.Button btnReset; private System.Windows.Forms.Panel PlatinumPanel; } } The code in the … Panel Size Programming Software Development by Blackeagle …' having a small problem with panels. i want the panel always to have the same size even when empty. in…program that i'm writting, i can see that the panel doesnt fit all the area where i put it (… as i have different colors for each frame and panel). the panel starts getting bigger when i add things to it…the Jtable i'm adding to fit all the panel?? panel that has calc which can be re-sized Programming Software Development by joe'g hi am trying to code a program that uses a panel that has a functional calculator in it, and the calculator … = new JLabel("Calclator"); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(slider); panel.add(label); frame.add(panel, BorderLayout.WEST); frame.setSize(400, 400… Re: Panel Focus Programming Software Development by RogerInHawaii … LEAVE events don't seem to get triggered for the panel itself. According to the documnetation ENTER occurs "when…although MouseEnter and MouseLeave events DO get triggered for the panel, I really need to detect when the user actually DOES… SOMETHING in the panel, not just when the mouse happens to move over … Panel Problem Programming Software Development by mohamed moamen i'm use Netbeans i create JframForm and add a panel to it ,and create new jpanel and add components to it like buttons & textboxs ,finally I'm add the panel 2 to panel 1 but the components of panel 2 not appear and their is no errors. "how i add the 2nd panel and their components to the 1st one ?" Re: Panel Problem Programming Software Development by zeroliken …]i'm use Netbeans i create JframForm and add a panel to it ,and create new jpanel and add components to…; textboxs ,finally I'm add the panel 2 to panel 1 but the components of panel 2 not appear and their is no… errors. "how i add the 2nd panel and their components to the 1st one ?"[/QUOTE] Without… panel size as print area/paper size Programming Software Development by artemix22 … give me heavy headache. what i want is that my panel size in my form has a function as print area…, in my panel i have one picture box, some txtLabels and some textboxes… previewDialog, my preview give me layout more bigger than my panel (i have prove it with add 1 text in each… Re: panel size as print area/paper size Programming Software Development by artemix22 … give me heavy headache. what i want is that my panel size in my form has a function as print area…, in my panel i have one picture box, some txtLabels and some textboxes… previewDialog, my preview give me layout more bigger than my panel (i have prove it with add 1 text in each… Re: Panel Sliding and MouseEnter Problem - VB.NET Programming Software Development by codeorder See if this helps. [B]1 Panel, 1 Button, 1 Timer[/B] [CODE]… With End Sub Private Sub getCollision(ByVal selectedPanelToCheckForCollision As Panel) With rCursorBounds '// only need to set .X and…location of the Cursor. End With '// check if Panel.Bounds Intersects With the rectangle of the cursor location.… Panel Focus Programming Software Development by RogerInHawaii I have a panel object that contains a number of controls. I want to change the backColor of that panel whenever the user clicks either on one of the controls or on the panel itself. I suspect I need to detect that the panel "has focus", but I can't figure out how. Suggestions? Re: Panel Focus Programming Software Development by Momerath … Leave events.[code]private void panel1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { Panel p = (Panel)sender; p.BackColor = Color.Red; } private void panel1_Leave(object… Re: Panel Size Programming Software Development by Blackeagle may i ask another question related to panel? i'm using the removeAll() method to clear the panel from all buttons. but it doesnt take any effect on the screen .. how can i update it? Re: Panel Size Programming Software Development by quuba …'m using the removeAll() method to clear the panel from all buttons. but it doesnt take any effect on …