Re: What are you watching on TV? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pritaeas I liked the concept, but some choices in the movie I remember I thought were strange. However, this is a while back, so please don't ask specifics. Resident Alien started funny, but didn't grab my attention. Latest I quite liked was "Vis-a-vis" (Spanish). Spanish Language Affiliate Marketing Community Center by salichtman Starting to market Spanish translation of my English eBook system that has sold over 15,000 copies. Looking for contacts to Spanish eZines and Newsletter publishers who will actively consider becoming Affiliates. Spanish test marketing shows a 7% to 11% conversion rate of hits on our sales page to sales. Any assistance or suggestions? Re: Spanish Language Affiliate Marketing Community Center by hac0555 [QUOTE=salichtman;522649]Starting to market Spanish translation of my English eBook system that has…sold over 15,000 copies. Looking for contacts to Spanish eZines and Newsletter publishers who will actively consider becoming… Affiliates. Spanish test marketing shows a 7% to 11% conversion … Re: Spanish Affiliate Network Digital Media Digital Marketing by tdickinson [quote=lennietao;237596]Does anyone know of an affiliate [COLOR=black]network[/COLOR] that can target the [COLOR=black]Spanish[/COLOR]-speaking audience in the US?[/quote] Are you still looking for a Spanish Affiliate Network? Tammy Re: Spanish Affiliate Network Digital Media Digital Marketing by luisawoods Hi there, Just wanted to throw my hat into the ring. I am also actively seeking spanish affiliate networks - particularly targeting US Hispanics and Latin America (both Spanish and Portuguese affiliates). any recommendations you have are appreciated. thanks. lu Spanish Affiliate Network Digital Media Digital Marketing by lennietao Does anyone know of an affiliate network that can target the Spanish-speaking audience in the US? Re: Spanish Affiliate Network Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dean Schnider Yes, i know of an affiliate network targeting the spanish speaking community in the US. Feel free to email me at [email][/email] to discuss... it is something new, something that you may have some thoughts on... thanks for your note... Spanish Characters in Python 2.7 (using Windows 7) Programming Software Development by hokeysmoke …'m trying to get text out of a website containing Spanish characters (like ñ or á) using urllib2 (and with #-*- coding: latin-1… Re: Translating an english sentence to spanish using a given database Programming Software Development by woooee …overlays the English word in the list with the Spanish word. And do not use "sum&…'a'], ['in', 'en'], ['the', 'el']] def toSpanish2(x): spanish=[] x_split = x.split() ## don't do the same thing every…word == db[j][0]: spanish.append(db[j][1]) return " ".join(spanish) x=raw_input(" Please… Experiment:Blog in english and spanish 50% Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Track I created a blog with all post in english and spanish, but google indexed it as spanish page. I'm investigating the cause. Does google see the language that I use in google webmaster tools page when I sent my sitemap? Does google see the country of owner of the domain in whois? In the whois of the domain the country is spain. Re: Experiment:Blog in english and spanish 50% Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Watt … be looking at the WHOIS or considering the density of Spanish words on the page, Google might be assuming your audience… would be Spanish speaking visitors and classified you as such. Let me ask… phyton english to spanish translator Programming Software Development by ragavh … create a program that translates an english phrase to a spanish phrase. i have a text file with english words and… their spanish meaning. i am unsure how to start this as i… Re: Translating an english sentence to spanish using a given database Programming Software Development by Lardmeister … is to convert the list of [english, spanish] lists to a dictionary of english:spanish pairs: [code]def eng2spanish(text, data): ''' takes… each word from an english text and prints out the spanish word given in data if the word is not found… Decompose/normalize spanish text Programming Software Development by terabyte I have a text file in spanish, how can I normalize all spanish characters (remove tildes and covert letters) example convert all ñ to n's ó to o I know about the Unicode::Normalize module but I don't understand how to use it Re: phyton english to spanish translator Programming Software Development by vegaseat You simply create a Python dictionary container where the English word is the key and the Spanish word is the value. For an example see: [url][/url] Re: phyton english to spanish translator Programming Software Development by jcao219 For such a task, the Python code is easy. The real challenge for you is to find a way to make some sort of English-Spanish dictionary. I would just use a translator tool like Google Translate, and use its API. How to translate english to spanish Programming Software Development by cmdolcet69 Does anyone know of a way to translate english to spanish text in a vb 2003 application form? I read about the global localization in 2005 however everytime I tried it it would never work. Any suggestion? Re: How to translate english to spanish Programming Software Development by Jx_Man well, this is not a simple program but hard program. you need to store spanish and english word in database, grammar checking?,searching words ... So, great with your program... i cant get spanish program to accept multiple letters Programming Software Development by igorg95 i'm making this spanish conjugator for class. and i cant seem to get how … Should I learn French or Spanish (I am doing B.Tech in CSE) Community Center by hypernova … my CV more impressive. Which languages out of French and Spanish are more useful in the IT industry from a global… Re: Should I learn French or Spanish (I am doing B.Tech in CSE) Community Center by jmg2hp I have heard that French is more useful in Europe/Asia. But Spanish is useful in Europe and the US. Re: Should I learn French or Spanish (I am doing B.Tech in CSE) Community Center by great2010 So you have to learn French and Spanish also,Because it is good for you if you can speaker more Language. Translating an english sentence to spanish using a given database Programming Software Development by G-nerd … for an English sentence and then make it produce the spanish translation of it from a given data base which is… Re: Spanish Affiliate Network Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dean Schnider I know of one...feel free to email me at [email][/email] to discuss it... it is fresh, new and bi-lingual... Re: Spanish Characters in Python 2.7 (using Windows 7) Programming Software Development by TrustyTony Is it sure that the site is not using utf8, for example? This is printing ok in Python 2.7.2/Windows XP, both typed from keyboard and copied from this post in DaniWeb. [CODE]# -*- coding: cp1252 -*- print 'Viva España!' print 'español' [/CODE] Re: Spanish Characters in Python 2.7 (using Windows 7) Programming Software Development by hokeysmoke [QUOTE=pyTony;1757600]Is it sure that the site is not using utf8, for example? This is printing ok in Python 2.7.2/Windows XP, both typed from keyboard and copied from this post in DaniWeb. [CODE]# -*- coding: cp1252 -*- print 'Viva España!' print 'español' [/CODE][/QUOTE] Thanks! At the screen level, your code prints the ñ just fine. … Re: Spanish Characters in Python 2.7 (using Windows 7) Programming Software Development by TrustyTony So I checked it out, looks like utf8 for me: [CODE]# -*- coding: cp1252 -*- import urllib2 print 'Viva España!' print 'español' site = urllib2.urlopen('') test = site.close() print test.decode('utf8') [/CODE] Re: Spanish Characters in Python 2.7 (using Windows 7) Programming Software Development by M.S. for writing into file, I suggest codecs: [CODE=python]import codecs out_file ="some_file.txt", 'w', 'utf8') out_file.write('español') [/CODE] Re: Spanish Characters in Python 2.7 (using Windows 7) Programming Software Development by hokeysmoke [QUOTE=pyTony;1757649]So I checked it out, looks like utf8 for me: [CODE]# -*- coding: cp1252 -*- import urllib2 print 'Viva España!' print 'español' site = urllib2.urlopen('') test = site.close() print test.decode('utf8') [/CODE][/QUOTE] That code gave me the following error after the print … Re: Spanish Characters in Python 2.7 (using Windows 7) Programming Software Development by hokeysmoke [QUOTE=M.S.;1758100]for writing into file, I suggest codecs: [CODE=python]import codecs out_file ="some_file.txt", 'w', 'utf8') out_file.write('español') [/CODE][/QUOTE] The code using codecs still gave me... espa¤ol (This is based on how it looks in MS Word (opening with utf8) and WordPad.)