Lots of new members but no one posts Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani As [you can see here](https://www.daniweb.com/stats/members?country=&filter=&sort=timestamp), we get lots of new members signing up every day, but nearly no one posts. This has been true for decades and decades now. Anyone care to hypothesize why all these people sign up if not to contribute? #Lurker Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … a Database on one yet but based on the above stats it should at least be 3x faster. Re: Lots of new members but no one posts Community Center Meta DaniWeb by pritaeas Spammers? Perhaps auto-deleted? Re: Lots of new members but no one posts Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani I can confirm that's not happening. I can confirm they're just signing up and then leaving, and can also confirm they're not bots. There can't be *that* many people creating sleeper accounts for future spam attacks, so I'm ruling that out too. Plus, it's always been this way. Stats Archive Programming Web Development by dele454 …see attached images: [URL="http://www.killerinstinct.co.za/stats.gif"]stats1[/URL] [URL="http://www.killerinstinct.…gif"]stats2[/URL] In the CMS, I have a stats page as seen (IMAGE 1), it captures all the …end of every month without my direct intervention. Once the stats have been archived and the html file created, all … Stats site with multiple login from hundreds of users Programming Web Development by quibbie … website that will allow people to sign up and post stats every week about others. For example, Joe has a show… RPG: Class Attributes/Stats Programming Software Development by linux …class for the heroes and then a function for "stats" and "attributes" a better way to… hero specifically? For example: [code]class Hero(heroID, heroClass): def Stats(heroID) maxHP = 0 maxMP = 0 atk = 0 res = 0 …If I were to use the [I]class Hero() ... def Stats() ... def Attributes()[/I] method, how do I address each … Re: RPG: Class Attributes/Stats Programming Software Development by redyugi …quot;" def __init__(self, name, id, race, stats, level=1): """ Creates the Hero&…Sets the race (orc or human or etc) self.stats = stats # Sets the stats self.level = level # Sets the level [/CODE]…# Access things with Phil.level # Gets his level Phil.stats['atk'] # Gets his attack # etc [/CODE] And if… Re: RPG: Class Attributes/Stats Programming Software Development by linux …, 0, 0) # Steel Sword equipped by default name = Phill class Stats(): startLvl = 1 Lvl = 1 XP = 0 # out of 100 maxHP… # Influences crit ratio[/code] This way, [I]Hero.Lords.Phill.Stats.Lvl[/I] would yield 1. Re: RPG: Class Attributes/Stats Programming Software Development by redyugi …. Inside Phil, you'd have to declare an instance of Stats and an instance of Attributes. Then if you tried to… Re: Top Members Stats idea Community Center Meta DaniWeb by cwarn23 … talking about expanding [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/certificates/stats.php"]this page[/URL] by providing several more… have very little insight as to what the stats of daniweb are. So the stats wouldn't be all around the site… a group of pages (some cached weekly) dedicated to the stats of the site so users have to actually go to… Top Members Stats idea Community Center Meta DaniWeb by cwarn23 … page (cached/updated every 7 days) of stats where it shows graphs of fortnightly stats for things like the following. [LIST] …people can think of and post here. Note that all stats are restricted to the past fortnight and the page with… these stats only gets updated every 7 days. Also to save cpu… average stats Digital Media Digital Marketing by SKite Hello I have just started looking at stats for my site. Some of the stats worried me. For example:- 70% people leave the… would really appreciate hearing what the averages are for these stats so I can make a plan on how to improve… Generating Stats from Datagridview rows c sharp Programming Software Development by apals …a Textfile. My work is to generate stats from the data available in Grid in … from PizzaMade 12 5.12 ........... so basically the stats reflect the following - a) statement executed - b… a concatenated string containing starttime,duration ---------- ยป The stats are generated as Datatable first, using a for loop… Having Problem Getting Stats to Show Properly Programming Software Development by nick.rechtien.5 …} } //******************************************************* //Definition of function displayEnd * //This fuction is used to store stats * //******************************************************* void displayEnd (int, int, int) { int win, lose, tie, numGames… Re: Having Problem Getting Stats to Show Properly Programming Software Development by nick.rechtien.5 …++; } } //******************************************************* //Definition of function displayEnd * //This fuction is used to store stats * //******************************************************* void displayEnd (int win, int lose, int tie, int numGames… Re: Top Members Stats idea Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Narue … asking you how we would all benefit from providing more stats on the top members page? Re: Top Members Stats idea Community Center Meta DaniWeb by cwarn23 … been contributing the most. Currently we can only see the stats captured for one point in time where as a graph… Re: Top Members Stats idea Community Center Meta DaniWeb by happygeek I have to admit that I do not really see the point of pretty graphs for such stats. Why should I, or indeed you, really care about whether you have made more posts than another member over a given period of time? Serious question by the way, not meant to be sarcastic. Re: Top Members Stats idea Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … might add a chart of some kind to the existing stats page if I have some spare time one weekend. It… Latest Jupiter Media Tips & Stats from Search Engine Strategies 2005, New York Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by jewboy … is a mini-recap of the latest SEO advice and stats from Danny Sullivan, Editor for SearchEngineWatch.com, and moderator of… "may" provide a ranking boost. [B]The latest STATS courtesy of comScore, Cecember 2004:[/B] [I]Share of US… Site Stats Help Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by wburritt Hi: I just built my first website for <<url snipped>> and have received my first usage stats report. I've been told to focus on page views. Any other ideas on interpretation? Here are the stats... Hits 4604 Files 1728 Sites 91 KBytes 12909 Visits 125 Page views 822 Thanks! Wayne Re: Site Stats Help Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by jewboy Web stats are a MUST for anyone doing business over the web; …, and MANY MANY MANY other important factors. The two top stats programs are Urchin and WebTrends. Both are excellent, but not… Incorrect Adsense Stats for Clicks Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by justin02 I used for three days the stats from a site that shows out clicks and my clicks on ads were about three to four times higher than the clicks in Adsense stats. Every day the same thing. Does anyone know why? I work every day at my site and I make about 100-150 impressions, this could be a reason? Google tool lets you probe deep into YouTube video stats Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … users, partners and advertisers, to see detailed stats clips that they have uploaded. Stats such as how often their videos are viewed… Webalizer stats - pdf downloads: how accurate? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by dantheman50_98 … direct downloads, so we've been looking at the webalizer stats for what we were hoping might be a more accurate…, what I'm wondering is how accurate are the webalizer stats for pdf downloads? I know overall web visit counts are… Adsense and analytics stats don't match Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by TheDarkSide … 600 pageviews. My webanalyzer on the hosting shows the same stats. The problem => adsense shows about 10-20 views per….us/photo/my-images/402/arcgames.png/ and my adsense stats: http://imageshack.us/f/51/arcgames1.png/ I doubt that… Re: Adsense and analytics stats don't match Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by LastMitch … 600 pageviews. My webanalyzer on the hosting shows the same stats. This issue you are having is more related to **SEO… Development** section. Then you can get an idea why the stats appear like that. Re: Incorrect Adsense Stats for Clicks Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by ithelp The stats are wrong. Adsense do filter obvious invalid clicks as well. Re: Incorrect Adsense Stats for Clicks Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by justin02 [QUOTE=ithelp;394154]The stats are wrong. Adsense do filter obvious invalid clicks as well.[/…