substring help Programming Software Development by rickster11 … help me out? [code]blocksArray [numBlocks][1] = Integer.parseInt(line.substring (line.indexOf(","),line.length())); [/code] I thought substrings… went something like this... line.substring (START,END)? Can I not use the length method for… Re: substring Programming Software Development by Xcelled194 …= Instruction.IndexOf(' ', start); int freq = int.Parse(Instruction.Substring(start, end - start)); start = Instruction.IndexOf('=', end) ….IndexOf('m', start); int dur = int.Parse(Instruction.Substring(start, end - start)); Console.Beep(freq, dur); … Re: substring help Programming Software Development by javaAddict …, try to break it a bit: [CODE] String stringToParse = line.substring (line.indexOf(","),line.length()); System.out.println(stringToParse… Re: substring Programming Software Development by darkagn … according to where each space is. Then you could just substring from the = signs to get the digits. Something like this…("="); if (i != -1) { int digit = Convert.ToInt32(part.Substring(i+1)); // do something with digit... } } } [/code] substring Programming Software Development by divin757 … frequency=")) != -1) { for (int j = j + 15; ((char)s.Substring(j,1)).IsDigit ; j++) { //if it is a digit do… Substring [Updated] Programming Software Development by Dietrich_1 … pos < master.length() ; pos++) { int index = master.indexOf(substring, pos) ; if(index!=0){ pos = count ; count++ ; } … method substringCounter(String string, String substring) Failed: substring 'the' does not appear 178… Re: Substring [Updated] Programming Software Development by tinstaafl …length() && index != -1) { index = master.indexOf(substring, index); if(index != -1) { count++; //set index to 1… past the start of the substring, so that indexOf doesn't re-read it. index++;… Re: Substring [Updated] Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill …simpler, eg count = 0; index = 0; while((index = master.indexOf(substring, index)) != -1) { count++; index++; } or, if the …the `while` seems confusing... count = 0; index = master.indexOf(substring); // first occurrence while (index != -1) { count++; index = … Substring problem Programming Software Development by hatebin …=i-1; System.out.println(index2); } } System.out.println(str.substring(index1, index2)); } [/CODE] OUTCOME : [QUOTE] 2567</type:int>… Re: Substring [Updated] Programming Software Development by rproffitt Why does this look similar or same as Re: Substring problems Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew … = gen(); System.out.println(lineValue); System.out.println(StringUtils.substring(lineValue, 12, 6)); } static String gen(){ String genMe …genMe += Long.toHexString(Double.doubleToLongBits(Math.random())); return genMe.substring(0, 54); } What will be output of the … substring combinations Programming Software Development by maverick786 …functions.This is the repitition code portion: [code] copy(subString.begin(),subString.end(),ostream_iterator<string> cout,"")); cout …<< endl; while (next_permutation(subString.begin(), subString.end())) { copy(subString.begin(),subString.end(),ostream_iterator<string>(cout,""… Re: Substring problem Programming Software Development by hatebin …=i-1; System.out.println(index2); } System.out.println(str.substring(index1, index2)); }[/CODE] But it still doesn't work OutCome… Re: Substring problem Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill You really don't need to do this all one char at a time. The String class has all the methods you need working with whole strings at a time, eg [QUOTE]indexOf(String str) Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.[/QUOTE] as in [CODE]index2 = str.indexOf("</type:int>");[/CODE] Re: Substring problem Programming Software Development by hatebin Sorry, a little mistake while copying. Thx for the link. But there is stil problem with the substring. Yes James youre right. But how do make it work if there are a lot of statmets like this. How to write each result. Re: Substring problem Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill ….indexOf(openingTag, searchFrom); endTagIndex = str.indexOf(closingTag, startTagIndex + 10); // process substring between these 2 indexes searchFrom = endTagIndex + 10; }[/CODE] Re: Substring problem Programming Software Development by mKorbel always you have check before if SubString cursor != or > myString.lenght() substring.rfind(); Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 … wonder if there is a good way to substring this string: [code] std::string OneString =…,7,8,9"; [/code] so the substring will look like this: [B]1,2,3…is, if there is a good way to substring from the end and 3 Commas back. … like this: [code] OneString.substring( 0, OneString.rfind(",") ); // Substring here would be: 1,2,… Substring problems Programming Software Development by Szabi Zsoldos …it is working final String articleNumber = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(StringUtils.substring(lineValue, 0, 22)); If I want to pass over…;488afabad01fca57105183078113085f") final String articleNumber = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(StringUtils.substring(lineValue, 0, 22)); final String articleManufacturer = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(… Re: Substring Counter Programming Software Development by Dietrich_1 … of a character or group of characters (a substring) inside of a given string of characters? In… method: public static int substringCounter(String string, String substring) The method will utilize two strings as passed parameters…To get started, download, extract, and save the Substring Counter project to your computer. Open up the project … Re: Substring problems Programming Software Development by Szabi Zsoldos ….6/org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtils.html#substring(java.lang.String, int, int) for the Substring. Tha application does not stop, it… there, but the method exits. LE: with the standard value.substring() method, it works... Re: substring find last whitespace Programming Software Development by apegram …if (temp.Length > characterLimit) { temp = temp.Substring(0, characterLimit); int length = temp.LastIndexOf(' '); if …quot;); while (!regex.IsMatch(temp)) temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.Length - 1); if (trailingDots)… substring of a path Programming Software Development by dwlamb …/DVDRW-43/ An obvious solution would be to get the substring by `path='echo ${file:7:9}' #renders DVDRW-43` but… I would rather a substring extraction based on capturing from the second occurence of '/' to… '/'. I can't get my head around regex or the substring commands to do this. SUBSTRING with joined table Programming Web Development by Borderline … appear. <?php $result1 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT runners.raceid, SUBSTRING(runners.raceid,1,4),, runners.age, runners.colour…;; echo $row['age']; echo " during the "; echo $row['SUBSTRING(raceid,1,4)']; echo " season."; echo "<… Re: substring find last whitespace Programming Software Development by adamjw3 …] string Formatstring(string input,int length,string suffix) { return (input.Substring(0,length)+suffix); } [/code][/QUOTE] thanks but wouldn't that… it takes the string, gets the substring, but then finds the last whitespace in that substring and then add the suffice on… Re: substring find last whitespace Programming Software Development by jonsca [quote]finds the last whitespace in that substring[/quote] Overlooked that bit, apologies. [code] string Formatstring(string input,int length,string suffix) { string tempstring = input.Substring(0,length); int lastindex = tempstring.LastIndexOf(' '); return (input.Substring(0,lastindex)+suffix); } [/code] Re: SUBSTRING with joined table Programming Web Development by broj1 The code on line 9 is wrong, it wont return what you expect. You could change your query a bit and ad `AS` to the substring expression in the query: SELECT runners.raceid, SUBSTRING(runners.raceid,1,4) AS raceyear,... and then change line 9 in the code to: echo $row['raceyear']; SubString error.. Programming Web Development by mimsc …error: string:/// cannot find symbol symbol : method subString(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) location: class java.lang… { %> <option value="<%=(String)homeList.elementAt(i).subString((String)homeList.elementAt(i).indexOf("("),(String)homeList.elementAt… substring find last whitespace Programming Software Development by adamjw3 … 1)the string 2)number of character i want in substring 3)what characters to put after the last white space… of substring, this will be either "..." or " " (just… Substring, IndexOf() Programming Software Development by madhan …=myOutput.IndexOf(","); string addr1 = myOutput.Substring(0,myIndex); string addr2 = myOutput.Substring(myIndex,myOutput.Length-myIndex);[/CODE] please help me…