Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Lardmeister The modern day circus extravagance called the "NFL Super Bowl XLIX" (XLIX is 49 for the many non Roman … Who Knew? Super Bowl to the Consumer Technology Marketplace Rescue Community Center by Brian.oco …piece of interesting news comes from next week's Super Bowl, which is apparently a big driver in consumer… computer sales click upward for the Super Bowl. “We have long known the Super Bowl influences HDTV unit sales,” said Tim…ties to other technologies consumers use to enhance their Super Bowl experience. This year, 18 percent of consumers watching… One Country Super Bowl Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bumsfeld The 45th annual edition of the Super Bowl in American football will be played on Sunday February 6, … Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pixelsoul **@diafol** - It's all about the commercials, halftime show, and beer mate!.. On a serious note though, I think baseball is super boring to watch, almost as much as golf. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pixelsoul Go Seahawks! Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Warrens80 SEAHAWKS ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!!!! Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ene Uran West coast all the way! Seahawks best thing after chicken wings and cheap beer! Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> to be honest, I am very disappointed in the Patriots due to the recent scandal but even then, I always disliked Brady, Belchick, and Kraft. I don't hate the pats, because I always liked Gronk and a few other of their players... So go Seahawks. (I own a football jersey from the Seahawks, got it as a gift from my aunt last month) Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol Thought XLIX was some porn thing. Glad you set me straight. Anyhow, I don't usually watch it. This article: pretty much typifies it for me, but hope you all enjoy it. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> >Thought XLIX was some porn thing. Glad you set me straight. Lol Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Warrens80 true that @pixelsoul Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol Went to see the NY Yankees last summer. Enjoyed the first 8 hours, then got a bit bored. Serriously, the first 2 hours were OK, then about 5 innings where nobody scored anything and then a mad scrabble at the end to score anything at all. Was better than cricket though - and soccer for that matter. Says a lot about popular sports. Sorry, getting … Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by almostbob Really lucky here, football ; nothing, get the ads, they're a blast nobody watches boring, the networks don't play it Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Lardmeister @diafol, thanks for the Wall Street Journal article that breaks down the typical NFL football game into 11 minutes of action with the football 17 minutes of reruns 67 minutes of players standing around Most folks that watch on TV get the pleasure of slow motion reruns from every camera angle, an occasional closeup shot of a pretty cheerleader, … Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol >67 minutes standing around But that's only 1 minute per player. So not that bad. Do they serve beef hot dogs in football stadia too? I couldn't believe it in NY, where all the dogs everywhere were beef. Yuk. Can still taste them now. Scarred for life. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ene Uran Kosher dogs are a must in NYC! Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol They are minging. No offence to beef-guzzlers everywhere, but they are just indescribably bad. I tried to eat a few on separate occasions just so I'd get used to the taste, but I failed. Rancid. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by HiHe I don't think too many folks eat rancid hot dogs for football games. In front of the home TV or the Sports Bar monitors it's chicken wing time, they wash down easily with Budwiser. I hope the Seahawks win against the "deflate balls" Patriots. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim When you buy a hot dog at a baseball/football game you never know if you are getting a fresh one, or one that was leftover from the last game and just reheated. I know several people who worked the games as vendors and they said that this was common practice. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat I used to go to the Milwaukee Brewers games and they had German Brats and Leinenkugel beer, a real gourmet feast. For the Superbowl I will go to a friend's house for barbecue (ribs and stuff). My friend is a Seahawks fan, so I better cheer for them. Should be a fun game. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat It was a good game. The halftime show was exotic. The best commercial IMHO was the one from Fiat (blue pill). Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Too bad the cheaters won. Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol What it's finished already?? Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> I still can't believe they didn't run it... Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pixelsoul > I still can't believe they didn't run it... FTFY: I still can't believe how stupid Pete Carroll is... Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> Even if I was told to pass it, I would have just run it and ignored the coach despite consequences Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by RobertHDD SEAHAWXXXX Re: Super Bowl XLIX Community Center Geeks' Lounge by HiHe The Seahawks coach still will not admit that he made a major blunder with his passing call that close to the goal line. I guess the guy is just too arrogant. Re: One Country Super Bowl Community Center Geeks' Lounge by frogboy77 It's like all "American" sports, more stop than start. Re: One Country Super Bowl Community Center Geeks' Lounge by crunchie So, what do the rest of the world do?