How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by carnoico …/surveys on the same page, we want each feedback form/survey under student name and rank so they can easily provide… Re: How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by Dani … SEO, etc.). If you want a super simple, and inexpensive, survey system, use the world famous [SurveyMonkey]( Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim …;addAddress(''); /* Set the subject. */ $mail->Subject = 'Survey Form filled out'; /* Set the mail message body. */ $mail->…;Body = $survey; /* Finally send the mail. */ $mail->send(); } catch (Exception $e… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner …PHPMailer/src/PHPMailer.php'; require 'PHPMailer/PHPMailer/src/SMTP.php'; $survey = " General Inquiries" . "\r\…or Questions'; /* Set the mail message body. */ $mail->Body = $survey; /* Finally send the mail. */ $mail->send(); } catch (Exception … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani …, I am suggesting: [...] //make your email body to send here $survey = " General Inquiries" . "\r\n"… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner …/or Questions'; /* Set the mail message body. */ $mail->Body = $survey; /* Finally send the mail. */ $mail->send(); } //if (!$mail->… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim …'); $mail->Subject = 'Comments and/or Questions'; $mail->Body = $survey; $mail->send(); Re: 88 Business-Growing Strategies Digital Media Digital Marketing by henrymorgan9522 A growth strategy is an organization's plan for overcoming current and future challenges to realize its goals for expansion. Examples of growth strategy goals include increasing market share and revenue, acquiring assets, and improving the organization's products or services. survey help me Programming Software Development by rhyza … (y=l;y<=voters;ytt) { cout <<"survey for president!"; cin>> president; if (president==1… Survey Programming Software Development by Taino …\t***********************************" <<"\n\t\t* Cafeteria Food Survey *" <<"\n\t\t***********************************" <<… Re: Survey Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA …; right << " " << "* Cafeteria Food Survey *" << endl << setw(16) <<… Survey Database design Programming Databases by ecathell …requirements change, I think its better to got with a survey engine. [URL="…is being used to alert the questioner as to which survey has been asked. Person1 first ever visit gets xSurvey…location gets ySurvey Person1 visits same location and gets no survey. The questions and answers are dynamic. I had this… Survey on Remote Working – Technologies, Benefits and Challenges Community Center by goochy … office, you are a prime candidate for this survey. Through the survey, I aim to discover your stand on: -… support requirements and technical concerns of Remote Working This survey will be kept confidential and you will not be…, opinions or comments, you may do so. This survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes. [B]Please click… Survey about German Software Developer preferences Programming Software Development by Ina.R …fulfill these criteria, take 10 minutes and complete our survey! This will help us to find out more … preferences. What is your benfit from the survey? Completing the survey you help to design future recruiting processes that…Thank you for participating in our survey. If you have further questions regarding our survey or the fundraiser, feel free… Survey respondents needed for masters thesis Community Center by luffmusse … a part of this thesis we will do a survey where we compare general information about software organizations and …. We would really appreciate if you participated in this survey to help us with this masters thesis. Please feel … answers we can get are helpful to us! The survey is available at [COLOR=black][URL="javascript:newWindow(%… Survey: Majority of App Developers On Board for Windows 7 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by VanessaRyan … for Windows 7, according to a recent survey conducted by Embarcadero Technologies. [ATTACH=right]15815…were developmental challenges. Other results from the survey indicated the majority plan to develop Windows 7…applications will take priority over enterprise applications. The survey was conducted in May 2010 by Embarcadero Technologies… Survey creation scripts Community Center by jiruiz78 Hello all, I'm an looking for a survey creation script, nothing fancy, but it should provide the following … [/LIST] I have looked, I haven't found a good survey form script yet. There are a lot of Vote/Poll… scripts, but they are not the same as survey scripts. Let me know if you can recommend one, preferably… Survey result analysis ... help required Digital Media Digital Marketing by ryansmith Hello all, our team did a complex survey, with file upload functionaly, for 2000 respondents.The survey was closed a week back. Can… with the data. We will be able to provide the survey results, except the files submitted by respondents, in Excel,CSV… Survey questions using switch case Programming by Angela_6 …application that displays a series of at least four survey questions; the survey can be on any social or political topic you…three possible numeric-choice answers. At the end of the survey, use a dialog box to ask whether the user …chooses to quit, and then display the results of the survey—for each question indicate how many users chose the first… Re: survey for school grads... Another question Programming Web Development by dani190 … <title>Etobicoke Collegiate Institute's Grad Survey 2008</title> </head>…quot;; mail("****","Grad Survey 08",$message,"from: *****"…nUs"; mail("******","Grad Survey 08",$message,"from: *******"… Re: survey for school grads... Another question Programming Web Development by dani190 … <title>Etobicoke Collegiate Institute's Grad Survey 2008</title> </head> …quot;; mail("","Grad Survey 08",$message,"from:"…nUs"; mail("****","Grad Survey 08",$message,"from: *****");… Re: Survey result analysis ... help required Digital Media Digital Marketing by pcl9000 Did you ever get the help you needed analyzing your survey results? Survey: Millions of Internet Entrepreneurs Making Money on eBay Community Center by Danny In a recent survey conducted by ACNielsen International Research, record numbers of entrepreneurs are … earn their living entirely on the site. According to the survey, over 724,000 Americans use the site to earn their… survey comparing netbeans and eclipse for dissertation Community Center by jeremylaks … compares netbeans and eclipse and was asked to create a survey to find out what personnel in the software industry think… to spend a few moments to fill in this short survey below, it will be much appreciated. thank you [url]https… Survey pop up wont go away and when i move it it goes straight back Hardware and Software Information Security by Kirsty123 … all it has gave me since is a pop up survey that wont go way ive tried clicking the 'x' but…'t the original program i wanted to download and the survey it wants me to do is fileice when i click… Re: survey for school grads... Another question Programming Web Development by dani190 …" /> <title>Etobicoke Collegiate Institute's Grad Survey 2008</title> </head> <body>…: $ar"; mail("","Grad Survey 08",$message,"from:"); } ?>… Re: Survey Invitation: Global Virtual Teams & Software Development Community Center by gk2010 … message to thank those of you who have completed my survey. Your responses have really helped with my research. The… survey is still open so if any of you have ever … Re: Survey on programming languages Community Center Geeks' Lounge by zachattack05 … used are quite broad. The next time I create a survey I'll have to be a bit more specific and…. An example, I have seen responses (not just on my survey but others) where HTML is presented as a programming language… Survey of Web Technologies Community Center by samaru made a survey about web technologies. Which are used the most/least. Very … Survey Marketing Community Center by Rgrice Do any of the internet marketing experts in this forum have any suggestions for how to effectively market a research survey? Places, methods, and suggestd audiences would be great. Thanks