955 Topics

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Member Avatar for Anwar_2

I have a dataTable with records and I want to insert those records in another table in database, so I was writing adapter.insertcommand="Insert into SourceTable(select * from " & DataTable &")" but this code does't work. help me out...

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi I am creating a java applet for an assignment, but if hit a snag. I have had to create a sales table for different sales people. I have made it that people can click "sales person 1" and it will display his sales. The issue is when you click …

Member Avatar for myfootballfacts

[MyFootballFacts.com](http://www.myfootballfacts.com/index.html) has recently lauched an Android App. The Android reads data from excel files and transforms to data to tables on our App. The table has a feaature whereby the first column and row are frozen when the tables are large. We would like to do the same for IOS. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for iv_jo

I need to get the name of the table with the biggest number of rows, I can find the biggest number of rows with function count and than function max, but i don't know how to see from which table is that maximum, can anyone help? tnx

Member Avatar for Tpojka
Member Avatar for Tiago_1

Hello, I have a simple HTML table generated using Mysql and PHP: type region platform price $/h m3.xlarge ap-northeast-1 windows 0.980 hs1.8xlarge ap-northeast-1 rhel 5.810 hi1.4xlarge ap-northeast-1 rhel 3.960 m1.medium ap-northeast-1 windows 0.230 cg1.4xlarge ap-northeast-1 rhel 4.450 cc2.8xlarge ap-northeast-1 rhel 3.100 c1.xlarge ap-northeast-1 rhel 0.855 c1.medium ap-northeast-1 rhel 0.254 m2.4xlarge …

Member Avatar for Alibi Ghazi
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello! I am editing my website to make it more updated and have created a new couple of pages which use my Database. I created the script and the databases (and tables) and everything was working OK... until somehow the tables have got partially deleted. I say partially because if …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ptim123

i need to find a min and amx of the table and so far i can do the min of row 1 but nothing after that -------------------------------------------------------------------- |Name | A | B | C | D | E | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for littledevils326

I have an HTML table which displays records from a database. The data are stored in sql database and the records are retrieved as a JSON object and then appended to the table. Rather than loading all the data in the table, I have a button which allows the user …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for CreatorZeus

so, im editing my site and i made a blog, it worked earlier but idk why its not working now. it may be something small that im just over looking but my table of entries come up empty when i know my mysql server has 1 entry in that table. …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for William_6

hello, I created a awk program to work witha data file to output a table and subtotal the rows and total up the collums and average I got it to work but when i added a presentation header before my totals go away. working code so far ------ can be …

Member Avatar for William_6
Member Avatar for Kewne

I have a temp table that is used in a union. But it resulted an error saying "cant reopen table". I've read that I need to rename the tempTable. How could I rename a temporary table when I'm using the tempTable in a union?

Member Avatar for Athelas
Member Avatar for kelley82879

How can I change this so that my returned results will display as 2 tables instead of one? Its returning results from 2 different tables but its not displaying as 2 different tables As I want it to. Thanks for any help or tips you can provide <?php mysql_connect ("localhost", …

Member Avatar for kelley82879
Member Avatar for kelley82879

I would like to have my users type in a term and display results from two different tables. I tried using union but i'm getting errors can you help please? <?php mysql_connect ("localhost", "","") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db (""); if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['submit'])){ $result = ""; //USED LATER /*$term = $_POST['term']; …

Member Avatar for kelley82879
Member Avatar for diakonos1023

Greetings! I'm building a PHP table from data I'm pulling from a MySQL database. I'm querying data from two tables where the common field between them is a customer ID. Table A contains customer ID and a customer score. Table B contains customer ID and a mailing code. The easy …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Indians

in my db have 20+ columns. i added 19 columns throught input form and stored in db succesfully. i fetch few details from db in my main page. in my main page 1 more column is there. that is status column, it is a combo box. if i click status …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for MrNoobieCoder

I am currently in need of help on a piece of homework, I'm using python 3.3 and i need to set a delay on a times table program that i created heres the code: def get_int(prompt="Enter an integer: "): """this function will loop until an integer is entered""" while True: …

Member Avatar for MrNoobieCoder
Member Avatar for Kewne

Hi. I'm confuse on how I will create my temporary table. Need some clarification here. I want to create a temporary table that will hold some column and values. And later on I would alter/update the table to add another column and data with respect to the existing columns. ammm... …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Good Afternoon, I have 2 senarios to which I need some clarification. I have an Access 2010 frontend with linked tables to mySQL using ODBC. Senario 1: I need to add a few fields to the main table and the software is used 24/7 if I add new fields will …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, I was thinking of making a big website with an algorithm in place to decipher the multiple match pair chance of same hash occurance for long strings but the only problem is I need a database of hashes. A really big one at that. So does anybody know of …

Member Avatar for ACRDepos

I'm struggling with acquiring the same consistent table size across all three primary browsers as shown below. http://i41.tinypic.com/izxrtu.jpg - Chrome http://i43.tinypic.com/24yctw6.jpg - Firefox http://i39.tinypic.com/2ceg3lj.jpg - IE I'm not sure if it's a coding issue or a table issue, but here's the primary CSS: body{ background-image: url(../DefaultBackground.png); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: …

Member Avatar for ACRDepos
Member Avatar for blueguy777

how to update table in foreach loop with where clause my code: foreach($output as $var) { $tmp = explode(",", $var); $collec_date = $tmp[2]; $cust_id = $tmp[4]; $cust_name = $tmp[5]; $install_no = $tmp[6]; $amount = $tmp[7]; $sql = "UPDATE ankali_slabpay SET install_date='$collec_date', install_amt='$amount' WHERE ac_no='$cust_id' AND install_no='$install_no' AND $install_amt='000000' GROUP BY …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for game4tress

When I insert data into the database, for instance, a new client, and after that query the clients in the database, the new client is not immediately shown in the list. For it to be listed, I have to clear the cookies and log in, again, into the site. Why …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for vishal_WebDev

Hello, I have Error Like this when i open the table in phpmyadmin.. why this is happening with table ? please any solution for that... #145 - Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired Thanks

Member Avatar for vishal_WebDev
Member Avatar for gurupts

i have two tables (they are fixed, not going to update any more) in my databae "phoneadd" phone_nos----name(primary id),home,office,college,friend. Examble: john 87954 45698 78965 12365 martin 45698 78962 45789 45789 trull 47896 14587 85632 14563 addresses----name(primary id),address Examble home first street,new town office second street,old town college thrid street,maxi world …

Member Avatar for tpunt
Member Avatar for Kewne

Hi guys....ammm...I created a table in one function and then used it in another function. The temporary table is created this way: $tmpTable = "tmpTable"; myCreateTable($intHandle,$tmpTable,$schoolYr,$semester); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $tmpTable type = heap SELECT Payment.No FROM (Payment INNER JOIN Othr ON Payment.Autokey = Othr.key) I am passing the table name …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Stju

Let's use the basic example.. I have a table for tree representation with just 3 columns: ID, PARENT_ID,NAME. If I delete a record X, how can I delete all recursive records that refer as PARENT_ID of deleted record?

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for andreiviziru

hi, i cannot arrange the contents of a div inside, i used the command `text-align:center` and doesn't work. What can i do? here's a link of the css, you can find the problem at `#footer{}` [The css](http://www.jocurigratisonlinenet.ro/default.css)

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I would like to know how to export my schema WITH the table rows/content into a .sql script in MySQL (If it's possible). I tried using Forward Engineering with MySQL Workbench but when I select "GENERATE INSERT statements for Tables" it doesn't do it... I tried googling and finding …

Member Avatar for sergeik.rndwork
Member Avatar for thearts.beach

`$data= "echo * from table1 where id=$_post[ID] "` can anyone see why this line duz not compute please ?

Member Avatar for thearts.beach
Member Avatar for LD-005

I have one html table on few pages(100 rows per page). Is there a way to load (not the initial first page) a page with specific row on it (if id of that row is defined)?

Member Avatar for KingGold171

The End.