SQL Server 2014 Installation and Problems Programming Databases by toxicandy …, currently on one of my development servers I have SQL Server 2014 installed, the problem I HAD was that…I couldn't directly import it due to the .sql file that PHPMyAdmin made being of different syntax it … version: 10 User: petrzilk@localhost Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) Engine: InnoDB PHP Version from web server: http… Re: SQL Server 2014 Installation and Problems Programming Databases by hericles This is a bit confusing, you seem to be jumping from referring to MySql databases to SQL Server databases. What db type are you trying to connect to, what is the exact error you are getting now and is it for all connections or when you are trying to a certain thing (like insert or date records)? Re: SQL Server 2014 Installation and Problems Programming Databases by toxicandy … to move it over to a local server that has SQL Server2014 installed along with IIS 8 + php. The error is… Re: SQL Server 2014 Installation and Problems Programming Databases by toxicandy … good, I made a new user and login using Transact-SQL from a tutorial online and now it seems as though… Re: SQL query problem with any language except English Programming Databases by andrevanzuydam Hi Mohamedrani Assuming you are using MYSQL with unicode support, you need to set the charset after connecting to the database: mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8"); You may have to tell the browser that you are sending out UTF-8 chars as well? Hope this helps sql server installation error Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by terdie sql server 2008 express: [I]sql server 2008 error TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure. ------------------------------ SQLsql server 2005 express fails to install---- === Verbose logging started: 8/6/2009 10:34:54 Build type: SHIP UNICODE… is 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Files… Re: sql server installation error Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by abu taher I don't know no more. But I use it many time it in my pc. few day ago it act like you. so I took a fresh new copy of it and install windows again and then install this sql server. nw its ok. Re: sql server installation error Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cguan_77 … helps me before,, try uninstalling vs2008 then install first the sql server..after that..instal vs 2008.. check if it will… Re: SQL Injection with ASCII Hardware and Software Information Security by Reverend Jim … a mapping of bit patterns onto characters (EBCDIC and unicode are two others). SQL injection is a method of embedding unwanted (to… the atackee) SQL commands in other legitimate commands. It is independent of the … Encryption And The Decryption Using Vb.Net And Microsoft Sql Server 2012 Programming Software Development by Christopher_12 …a login table on my microsoft sql server 2012 but i want to…MAKV2SPBNI99212" Dim clearBytes As Byte() = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(clearText) Using encryptor As Aes = Aes…cs.Close() End Using cipherText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ms.ToArray()) End Using End Using … Re: Hindi Data in SQL Programming Web Development by rpv_sen Hi pls try to get the hindi values in unicode formate. it will be more help Re: SQL Server 2014 Installation and Problems Programming Databases by hericles Right, I should have seen the code you linked in your first post, my bad. You have this line: `$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost:1433;dbname=ItemAssetDB', '', '');` which is, obviously, using PDO to connect to a mysql instance - which isn't what you're trying to do. First step is to switch that line to: `mssql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb` and … Re: SQL Server 2014 Installation and Problems Programming Databases by toxicandy @hericlesOkay I have it now to a point where the login is incorrect. hm... I can see it is typed 100% correct so there must be a problem using this account. Any ideas? I can attach an image of the secruity page if needed where it says this user has permissions. Re: TableAdapter and Unicode? Programming Software Development by cgeier …) *"...When dealing with Unicode string constants in SQL Server you must precede all Unicode strings with a capital letter…technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191200(v=sql.105).aspx) *Unicode constants are specified with a leading N: … is listed for older versions of SQL Server: [You must precede all Unicode strings with a prefix N ...](http… JAVA SQL problem or UNICOD PROBLEm Programming Software Development by cool_jatish … trying to pass parameter to database i.e UNICODE and fetches ASCII it retrieves nothing to display… when trying to pass parameter ASCII and fetches UNICODE it retrieves only [????] but exactly the same … but with UNICODE nothing ...... I had also change my backhand to SQL SERVER but retrieves same for UNICODE [????] .............. … Writing Unicode to Oracle Programming Databases by dcoorey Hi All, I am having problems trying to write unicode characters to a version 10 Oracle database, using C++ and … (the same code works with MS SQL). If I insert a unicode string directly from PL SQL it works, otherwise I get nonsense… problem with unicode characters in SQL server express edition 2008 Programming Software Development by DeathEater … and there are so many fields in them that use unicode characters( Persian) and all of them are nvarchar(n) type… like that. where can i access the options for unicode and such in sql? thanks to those who answer. my work has… Re: problem with unicode characters in SQL server express edition 2008 Programming Software Development by nick.crane … you are using native .Net types and the strings are unicode which is why your searches work. When you construct your… commands in SQL do your build the command string manually in code or…. (No guarantees, I am no expert on text localisation in SQL). Reading Unicode Characters from SQL SERVER 2005 Programming Web Development by odysseous Hi Everybody, I have problem with unicode data in SQL server. I could not show data that fileds are nvarchar,…($myServer, $myUser, $myPass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); // select a database to work with…t open database $myDB"); [/code] I am connecting to SQL like above. I take data from db by ucing Cast… Re: What sql data type to use Programming Databases by hollystyles … in your Sql statements though :( If you mean Sql Server 2005 Express then your options are better :) varchar(max) (non-unicode ASCII chars… only) nvarchar(max) (Unicode chars) text… Re: problem with unicode characters in SQL server express edition 2008 Programming Software Development by nick.crane …/a3.html"]this page[/URL] that has info about SQL and .Net culture/language information and how it affects dates… anyone that has better experience working with different languages with SQL. Re: Store Unicode character using C# to sqlserver2005 Programming Software Development by kvprajapati … [B]C# and MS SQL Server 2005[/B]. I would like to build this based on [B]Unicode characters so that all… national character data types(nchar, nvarchar, ntext) for columns. Use Sql Insert/select/update statements to store/retrieve data. Re: problem with unicode characters in SQL server express edition 2008 Programming Software Development by DeathEater thanks mate but passing the values with parameters didn't work either. I'm really stuck here so if any one even thinks that some thing might work plz tell me. and were can i change the setting that I've set when i was installing the sql server? Re: Accessing Unicode Data From a MySQL Database With PHP Programming Web Development by Alba Ra … so everything is in UTF-8 character set: [CODE]-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 3.2.0 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Host… character set. So I think that in the case of unicode (UTF-8) characters, the queries have to be declared UTF… Re: Updating Unicode columsn in Oracle Programming Databases by acplayer Things to look at: 1. Make sure that the Oracle database NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET is set to AL16UTF. 2. Write the code to generate SQL to convert the characters into the unicode codes. They will look like: UNISTR('\0421\0435') in the SQL statements. 3. Make sure that any double \\ are coverted to single prior to sending the sql for action Unable to save unicode characters into database Programming Web Development by Stivi … management system for our website (ASP.NET project, C# language, SQL Server 2000), but I'm unable to save russian texts…'ve created an ntext column, which is able to store unicode characters. However, if I'll look into the database field… resultSet and unicode problem Programming Software Development by MxDev Hi guys, how to read a unicode characters (arabic characters) form ResultSet object which appears after extraction … code below: [COde]package dbWordsPackage; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; /** * * @author EL-Prince */ public class dbWordsCon… Re: Hindi text in nText column SQL Server 2005 Programming Databases by kvprajapati [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa260660%28SQL.80%29.aspx"]UNICODE [/URL]. Returns the integer value, as defined by the Unicode standard, for the first character of the input expression. [code] SELECT UNICODE(SUBSTRING(colName, 1, 1)) FROM TABLENAME [/code] Store Unicode character using C# to sqlserver2005 Programming Software Development by neo.mn … [B]C# and MS SQL Server 2005[/B]. I would like to build this based on [B]Unicode characters so that all… Re: Store Unicode character using C# to sqlserver2005 Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame Hi, Microsoft SQL Server will store as unicode if the field value type is set to nchar. You might want to find out what encoding Bangle uses. (UTF-8 for example?) To write a connection string, how about checking [url]http://www.connectionstrings.com[/url] :)