Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … on the training set. To do so, you need to upload your JSON file to the OpenAI server first. Create an… Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by m_624 "Dead Internet Theory" is an idea that says the internet is becoming less genuine and less alive. Here's a simple explanation: The theory suggests that: Bots and Fake Content: A lot of what we see online is created by bots or automated programs, not real people. This includes social media posts, comments, and even articles. … Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Reverend Jim Seems like an extension of Sturgeon's Law which states "90% of everything is crap". Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Nina0X So, what can we do to prevent the web from dying? I guess web3 is the answer! If the technology enables then the internet should not only be used for connecting and sharing some kitties! The whole of humanity's wealth will be held on the Internet.. Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by pcbugfixer I believe it is. With AI involved and the misleading and duplicate information tells me that the WWW is corrupt and becoming useless. And it is the Spammers, Hackers and the like that did it. Time will tell Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by m_624 The Dead Internet Theory suggests that the internet is dying or already dead due to the prevalence of bots and automated content. However, the internet continues to grow and evolve, remaining a vital part of modern life. Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by stuwer12 This theme needs development, but I'm connected with a blockchain group who have what we call web 4.0, totally independent ,totally peer to peer with no outside interference or involvement Don't know if it would bring back relevancy to search, but connections are true blckcerts (or blockcertsai anyone interested ,;et me know and I'll send you a … Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by wwwalker About 40% of hits to my site are bots with some trying to find exploits on my site to hack it and use it to propagate spam. Very few humans are surfing the Web any more. iptables firewall has to be used to block the hackers. Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Reverend Jim >Very few humans are surfing the Web any more I disagree. Just because the number of bots has grown exponentially relative to the number of meat-based surfers does not mean that very few humans are still surfing. Consider how much spam e-mail is sent every minute. That does not mean e-mail is dying. How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 …to connect to the OpenStack Object Storage and upload some files to the OpenStack Object Storage …container It works great if I upload a file that ends with the extension .gz… backup file my_file_like_object = io.BytesIO(file_contents) # Upload the returned contents to the OpenStack Object Storage container… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 … file-like object from the contents... file_like_object = io.BytesIO(file_contents) # Upload the returned contents to Swift... swift_conn.put_object( container,… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem I don't understand why you need to extract all the files from the compressed `tar.bz2` just to upload to a backup. Also, line 69 is now meaningless having just posted only a snippet of the code. Before the error, what was the last `` message? Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem First, let's prepare two tar files using different compression schemes for demo purposes. $ cat foo_1.txt This is file 1 $ cat foo_2.txt This is file 2 This is file two This is file too # Three tar files, two compressed and one uncompressed for reference $ tar -j -c -f foo.tar.bz2 foo_1.txt foo_2.txt… How to effectively promote blogger challenge games on the internet? Digital Media Digital Marketing by smsi …. As part of this project, bloggers will be able to upload their own photos or images to the gallery of this… attention is paid to personal motivation and congratulations: subscribers who upload their photos or images will receive a personalized greeting from… AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad …" /> <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" /> <input type="… How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Kirubel_2 …"> <span class="text">Image-Upload</span> <input type="file" name… Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Johannes C. … we now stuck in a cycle where **bots create content, upload it to fake profiles, and then other bots engage with… Re: How to effectively promote blogger challenge games on the internet? Digital Media Digital Marketing by rproffitt Be sure to complete your DANIWEB profile and use the tagline to show off your work. How's the weather in Moscow today? Re: How to effectively promote blogger challenge games on the internet? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani I guess I'm confused what this project is or does. For example, I am a publisher who operates the publication DaniWeb (this one). I am also an SEO. What benefit would I get from participating? Re: How to effectively promote blogger challenge games on the internet? Digital Media Digital Marketing by WilliamOG I didn't quite understand what the project will be about either, but I understood that the target audience are bloggers. The best method to reach them is email marketing. Re: AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by pritaeas You cannot safely use a form to post directly to AirTM. Post to your own PHP script, which can then use curl to make the request, including headers. Re: AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by Dani I can see that the URL that you linked me to has 4 steps to create a purchase. The first one is to create a Purchase via an HTTP POST request. That can be done with a cURL request. cURL requests require some backend programming such as via PHP or some other language. Are you using a server-side language to write your web app? If so, which one so… Re: AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by pritaeas You can choose PHP in the dropdown above the sample code. That way you can see what your PHP should contain. Re: How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Dani I'm not exactly understanding your question. I see you have an HTML form here in this HTML code. What is not working about it? You need to specify the action="#" to be a URL that will process the form. upload Programming Web Development by varun_1411 upload Upload help ???? Programming Web Development by kzip …;tr> <td><strong>Single File Upload </strong></td> </tr> &… type="submit" name="Submit" value="Upload" /></td> </tr> </… this example we keep file in folder upload //$new_file_name = new upload file name //for example upload file name cartoon.gif . $path will be… Re: Upload help ???? Programming Web Development by kzip …,99999); $desh = "."; $new_file_name=$random_digit.$desh.$file_name; $path= "upload/".$new_file_name; if($ufile !=none) { if(move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name… Re: Upload help ???? Programming Web Development by Stefano Mtangoo …,99999); $desh = "."; $new_file_name=$random_digit.$desh.$file_name; $path= "upload/".$new_file_name; if($ufile !=none) { if(move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name… Re: Upload image in asp javascript Programming Web Development by madmital Upload files in classic asp requires some sort of upload component to be installed one the server. Smth like [url][/url] will work I've never been able to find a free component myself. If you're using a commercial hosting company they probably have an upload component available, so check out their documentation. Re: upload file Programming Software Development by Ahmed.C Upload and Download to and from an FTP Server?