Re: User Controls Programming Software Development by Cameronsmith63 … am trying to use this method of calling the different user controls. private void scheduleTerminalsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SchedTerminals SchedTerm = new…(Configuration); I have added a panel to one of the user controls. I made use of this code to try and call… Re: User Controls Programming Software Development by Cameronsmith63 … can only call 1 user control, it does not switch over to other user controls when i want it …e) { SchedTerminals SchedTerm = new SchedTerminals(); Logo.Dispose(); this.Controls.Add(SchedTerm); } private void descheduleDevicesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)… User Controls Programming Software Development by Cameronsmith63 … i have a Menu Strip, and a couple of user controls, and in these user controls, i have group boxes. So when I click… different item in the menu strip, i want that item (user control) to be displayed on my form, disposing the previous… user control. How do i go about displaying the other control … Re: User Controls as Forms within a Form Programming Software Development by CodeDoctor … terms of OOP design. [B]Proposed Solution:[/B] Use User-Controls as the new panel, [I]"A Form within A…can just reply with a step by step instruction?[/QUOTE] User Controls you will find are easy to create, and a …Logon value and the Password value. You will find that User Controls are your friend, because you can re-use them … User Controls as Forms within a Form Programming Software Development by yorro How do I use the User-Controls as a form within a Form? … forms, I've used switching panels and the controls are contained in those panels. This way, there… and becomes unmanageable due to the number of controls in the Design window. As I've read…of OOP design. [B]Proposed Solution:[/B] Use User-Controls as the new panel, [I]"A Form … User controls not showing up in General dropdown Programming Web Development by dyahalifda … work normally, but what makes me puzzled is that all user controls in the web page aren't populated in the General… Re: User Controls Programming Software Development by dickersonka You need the user control to save its data, not sure what you need … be to set your area you want to display the user control in as a panel. Upon clicking each menu item… be a member variable instead DeSched Deschedule = new DeSched(); //Clear controls this.panel.Controls.Clear(); //Add control this.panel… Re: User Controls Programming Software Development by macgurl70 …the size you want the window to be), with the user choosing which one is visible. Personally, I would do … others set to collapsed (Visibility = Collapsed; ). 3. When the user chooses one of the options, the selected item is now… size of the window the same (since the collapsed controls are not taken into consideration when the program is creating… Re: User Controls Programming Software Development by skatamatic Have you considered simply calling Show() and Hide()? This way you don't have to reinitialize all the data between controls that are switched between often. Is using static user controls in WPF efficient? Programming Software Development by goody11 …Now, each of those windows contains a different user control. These user controls all can interact with data used in the…going to be somewhere between 20 - 30 different user controls. My question: Is it more efficient for me … user controls or to generate and destroy each user control as I need it? Using the static controls method, the user controls Dynamicall adding user controls problems!! Programming Software Development by patelb …trying to dynamically add controls such as text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc to a user control(ascx page). …buttons "a,b,c". Im generating the user controls in a select case statement as follows: Select Case…I need to be able to dynamically generate controls onto the page according to that user defined string. Any ideas? Dynamically Adding User Controls at Runtime Programming Web Development by patelb … trying to dynamically add controls such as text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc to a user control(ascx page). Im… buttons "a,b,c". Im generating the user controls in a select case statement as follows: [code=asp.…is? I need to be able to dynamically generate controls onto the page according to that user defined string. Any ideas? Get data from dynamic user controls outside of page Programming Web Development by sbrett …basically a table that contains all of the user controls that exist in a particular form). That part…forms, each with their own unique set of user controls. What's the best way to gather that…values for all the inputs foreach (Control c in pnlMain.Controls) { if (c.GetType().Name.ToLower() == "… Removing User Controls Programming Software Development by 010Nick … but I am now stuck. I have multiple user controls on a form and I need a way to…ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Me.Controls.RemoveByKey("UserControl") refresh_Form() End Sub Private Sub…called. “UserControl” and “UserControl1”. I have added the user controls using code and was wondering if there is anything I… Re: Removing User Controls Programming Software Development by 010Nick … Sub Add_controls() 'add two user controls' Form1.Mycontrol.Location = New Point(0, 0) Form1.Controls.Add(Form1.Mycontrol) Form1.Mycontrol1…Control) 'remove a control' If Form1.Controls.Contains(_Countrol) Then Form1.Controls.Remove(_Countrol) End If End Sub End… Nested User Controls and SQL Datasource Programming Web Development by MichaelWClark …and decided that this time around I would make many user web controls as to have a very modular and customizable site… into my labels, then i also added some of my user controls to this control. I added a "Carrier" …control it stops binding data.... I have tested other similar controls and they have the same result.... I dont get it… Using a tree view and panel to display user controls Programming Software Development by zachattack05 … a tree view and a panel. I have created multiple user controls, each to be displayed in the panel when a certain… display the correct user control when a node is clicked. All I can seem to reference in the Panel.Controls collection is…" so to speak, a tree view node to a user control? How would you go about doing something like this… Drag & Drop User Controls in ASP.NET Programming Web Development by mfozmen … site that clients can easily drag & drop pre-defined user controls and create a simple web site for themselves. Users will… also upload their data to these controls and the data will be stored in database or cache… Adding user controls into an array? Programming Software Development by TeaYou … I need to make a GPA calculator. I have a user control for classes and another for the type of program… are in. I'm having trouble getting an array of user controls to work mostly probably because I don't think I…, Courses5, Courses6} Where Course is my user control, and courses1-6 are on my second user control CourseTab. When I tried to… Re: User Controls as Forms within a Form Programming Software Development by yorro UPDATE: Ok, I am finally getting it. But how do you edit values of controls within a User Control This code does NOT work [CODE=vb]UserControl1.Textbox1.Text = "New Text"[/CODE] Re: User Controls as Forms within a Form Programming Software Development by sknake Open up the designer file for your user control. The head of the file will look like: [code] &… let you do what you are describing. I created a user control, added a panel, and put a button and a…] [edit] Oh -- You are using the class name of the user control, ie [icode]UserControl1[/icode]. You need to use the… Re: User Controls as Forms within a Form Programming Software Development by yorro … this helps.[/QUOTE] What if I am not using the User-Control to communicate back? What if I am using the… User-Control as the form itself and using the actual form …as a container for the User-Control to be placed? Do I still need events or… Re: User Controls as Forms within a Form Programming Software Development by CodeDoctor … to communicate back? What if I am using the User-Control as the form itself and using the actual form …as a container for the User-Control to be placed? Do I still need events or… was trying to show the concept of encapsulation of a User Control. Encapsulating what is needed to be done seperately from… Re: User controls not showing up in General dropdown Programming Web Development by dyahalifda Anyone here??? My controls are missing...>.< Re: User controls not showing up in General dropdown Programming Web Development by sufyan2011 … me the sample page where you couldn't see the controls. There is no problem on my end. User Controls Programming Software Development by Cameronsmith63 … addTerminalsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddTerminals AddTerm = new AddTerminals(); this.Controls.Add(AddTerm); } private void scheduleTerminalsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SchedTerminals… User Controls Programming Software Development by skatamatic … create a .Net form full of DevExpress controls into something easy to work with. DevExpress controls are the opposite of this, most… a needle and a display box are actually 10 different controls combined. I am looking to simplify this into 1 control…. I would also like to add some UI to the controls at design time (like for a tab control, to be… Re: Help with user controls within PlaceHolders. Programming Web Development by shine_jose hi, load user controls in panels making panel display properties true or false using code behind as needed Re: Windows forms + User controls Programming Software Development by Dimansu Hi Thnx,but i dont have tab control selecting evevt in my user controls.So I am unable to do it. Re: User Controls Programming Software Development by Cameronsmith63 Anyone?