VBA Validation Module Programming Software Development by Paladine VBA Validation Module Re: VBA source code Programming Software Development by Thong_Ispector VBA = Visual Basic for Applications... [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/isv/technology/vba/faq/default.aspx[/url] vba help Programming Software Development by vishal120 … the amount of data it has. i want to use vba to place the formula so that the files do not… to another sheet for further process. i want to use vba to do this but till now am still struggling hard… Re: vba help Programming Software Development by AndreRet I'm not sure if this will help in VBA, but definately in vb6. I've written this quite some … VBA Help Programming Software Development by FatalGrace … to set up a database type program in excel using VBA, you may find yourself asking “why not use access” the… VBA Programming Software Development by jakelley_05 If I want to learn VBA for excel, what should I do? How should I go about learning? vba Programming Software Development by myliene i have data in excel file from which i want to generate report card for students based on their performances in test held on certain dates.for it i need to write a vba program to depict it in a chart and the dates on which students did not aapear for the test should not be shown in the chart. VBA Programming Software Development by Shailajaprasad Hi I need to use sumproduct in VBA, but not able to use it. can any one tell how to use it. Shailaja Re: VBA Validation Module Programming Software Development by pat_dohc [QUOTE=Paladine;967423]VBA Validation Module[/QUOTE] hi,, i am a student currently doing … VBA/VB6 Programming Software Development by pparker … a project that involves modifying a MS Excel 2003 VBA app so that it gets data from SQL Server…My questions (other than whether or not an old VBA app can talk to SQL Server 2005 at all) …are: Will VBA for Excel 2003 be the same as VB6? If…able to use what I'm learning on the VBA app at work? Or will it be like one… VBA front end does not work with Access 2007 / Windows 7 Programming Databases by haylau … inherited an Access 97 database with a VBA front end. I know nothing about VBA front ends, but can work with Access… re-writing the full thing in Access 2007 as the VBA does nothing that Access currently does not. But we have… Windows 7 (64 bit), Access 2007. When i run the VBA Application, to fires up OK, and most of it works… VBA calculations Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by redchuck …w/ 'too many fields defined ...' I'm trying to use VBA for the form/report calculations but NOT very successful. For…,0)+IIf([THAP21],1,0)) {/code} So I put together VBA.......?????? {code} Public Function TTLHAPTen() ' Returns the Total honors/AP … formlate the query anymore effectively or solution on the VBA method, thank you in advance. VBA Excel LookUP Function Programming Software Development by nquadr … Help # Hi I am having trouble with my VBA Lookup function. I have created 2 workbooks which I have … with my syntax. Can someone help. I am new to VBA. Sub Comparison() Dim xOld As Integer xOld = 2 wbOld.Application… VBA source code Programming Software Development by sulphox Hi all. Is Visual Basic same as VBA? I need to do my final year project in Excel using VBA. The project is in such a way that i can generate curves using Excel. I have been searching for the samples source code for cosine, sine and FFT source code, but to no avail. :sad: Could anyne please advise me on this? Thanks in advance. Re: VBA source code Programming Software Development by sulphox Hi all it's me again. I'd like to ask if you can recommend me some useful sites for VBA beginner (with no knowledge of VBA at all)? In addition to that, i also need some websites that can guide me to undestand the syntax in the source code. need to understand certain source code quite urgently you see. Thanks. sulphox Re: vba to python Programming Software Development by vegaseat Rumor (not mine) is that Microsoft will drop further development of VB. I am sure that VBA will hang around as their sripting language of choice a little longer. A VBA to Python translator would be "theee" project for any enterprising programmer. The only problem is that you have to glutter your brain with VBA syntax. Vba Excellence Needed..... Please?? Programming Software Development by bsnapool2006 Hey Guys, Could really do with a hand. Needing a VBA whizz. See if you can get your head round this? … Loop End Sub[/CODE] I am not the best within VBA, so please forgive me. Would really appreciate your help. Cheers… VBA password Hardware and Software Information Security by ssharish2005 Hello guys, I need this as sson as possible. Is there any tool which u know that can crack my VBA project password. I lost my VBA project passowrd[IMG]http://cboard.cprogramming.com/images/smilies/frown.gif[/IMG] And i am stuck with no progress. Is there any tool which i can crack or recover the passoword. Thank you ssharish2005 VBA to VB6 Programming Software Development by RORY24 I am in the pocess of converting an old VBA program into VB6 to try and sort out some of … that they used text boxes to display the data. the vba program(when running) shows multiple texts boxes for multiple records… VBA - shell Programming Software Development by jammiedude … would much appreciate it. I am writing a macro within vba for excel, and i have successfully managed to use the… ended when finished would i be able to somehow use vba to check to see if the batch file is still… vba code needed Programming Software Development by voider72 … like to be able to create an Excel VBA Macro (cos i only understand VBA) that is able to search a users… vba-think issue: control arrays Programming Software Development by izyrider … a single no-scroll screen on the UI). As a VBA-refugee, I would love to use a control array, but…? This only takes half a dozen lines of code in VBA but I'm struggling to force it into VB.NET… Re: VBA Security Programming Software Development by Graham Morley Hi Lastpilgrim, Thanks for the rapid response. The VBA app I want to protect is not for Excel, Word … an embedded integrated development environment (IDE) that uses VBA 6. It creates VBA forms, modules and classes that interact with CAD drawings… Re: VBA Security Programming Software Development by Pilgrim-Last … Morley;1276150]Hi Lastpilgrim, Thanks for the rapid response. The VBA app I want to protect is not for Excel, Word… an embedded integrated development environment (IDE) that uses VBA 6. It creates VBA forms, modules and classes that interact with CAD drawings… vba:explain code Programming Software Development by OneDreamCloser Hello All, Could you please help me with the following VBA code that I have to understand (but I am not …aware of VBA) [CODE]Public Function ErlangB(Servers As Single, Intensity As Single… VBA Function Resistor Programming Software Development by diamondw Hi i created a code in vba. the requirements is that -input is 3 color bands from … ohms -make function work for 3 colors.I am using vba. I came up with a code but it has my… VBA Excel Help Programming Software Development by jamesbeat64 … fairly new to programming in general and am just learning VBA for Excel and Access. I currently have a work project… a SQL query from our internal database system based on VBA procedures in an Excel template. Most of the code was… VBA Print to PDF Fails to Open Programming Software Development by ShosMeister … for a while. Office 2007 and Adobe Pro 10. Have VBA code to step through a directory tree and print .doc… fine so I'm guessing it's something in the vba. All the parameters are fine - best I can tell, and… VBA How to Populate Combobox2 Based on Previous Combobox1 Selection Programming Software Development by Behseini using MS Excel 2007, and VBA I have two combobox.The first combobox has three items … please let me know how I can do this in VBA? Thanks VBA to VB.net "Open filePath For Input As #1" Programming Software Development by Papa_Don Hello Group, I'm trying to convert some VBA code into VB.net. Here is that VBA code: Open filePath For Input As…