Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by rproffitt … that could include such to single board embedded work and web apps. **Impact here is a 50% reduction in payroll costs… Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by Haseeb_12 Hey everyone! 🌟 Web development is evolving rapidly with exciting trends like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Jamstack architecture, and AI integration. What tools and frameworks are you using? How do you tackle challenges like responsive design, performance optimization, and security? Share your experiences and tips! Cheers, Haseeb Ahmad: Re: Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by Dani What is jamstack architecture? I'm not familiar with it. As far as tools and frameworks, I've pretty much been using the same ones for the past 20 years. PHP + MySQL + Nginx + Redis + Memcached + SphinxSearch on the backend. Cloudflare as a CDN. On the front end, it's Bootstrap and jQuery. Yes, I'm still old school like that. For many years, I … Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by stuwer12 This theme needs development, but I'm connected with a blockchain group who have what we call web 4.0, totally independent ,totally… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani …Laravel vs Codeigniter discussion]( * [Me … super lightweight]( * [… php](… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani … lots of vBulletin plug-ins. Despite DaniWeb being my first web development app that I've ever written from scratch, and first… Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri … never bothered to check CI4 as CI3 fulfilled all my web development needs. It required some modifications when PHP 8 came (PHP… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. …center/op-ed/541901/dead-internet-theory-is-the-web-dying). Imagine how this may be in a few…Non-Proliferation Treaty**. This approach will ensure that AGI development is conducted with global safety and ethical standards in …permanent and drastic destruction of its potential for desirable future development. Thus, (b) nullification is as much of a… minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri ….php` for working with templates. Over my years of app development experience, I've found that these two capabilities are the… critical minimum required features even in most basic or simple web apps. Adding CRUD and databases is a late stage capability… Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by olivia_24 … consciousness it attainable. At least one engineer involved in the development of OpenAI has made claims about consciousness, but those claims… Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by soly_1 Although superintelligence and God are both considered "mighty entities," the devil is in the details. A superintelligence merely needs code; unlike supernatural beings, it doesn't require faith. The proof isn't found in antiquated literature, but rather in the quick developments in AI and machine learning. Though, in my opinion, the … Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pritaeas Why would I choose this over a package like [Slim]( Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri @pritaeas Most modern PHP frameworks like Slim make heavy use of OOP which introduces cruft and bloat. As you can see in that example itself, just for printing a simple Hello string, they ended up creating one Factory class and two other classes for request and response. While OOP certainly has its uses, not all use cases need this level of … Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani > In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post objects, Thread objects, Forum objects, and Member objects, and pretty much all functionality can be accomplished with methods that act upon any combination of those four things. I just want to also add that I rolled my own ORM such that each instance of any of these classes maps directly to a row in a… Re: App development - Lobby functionality optimisation Programming Mobile Development by Dani Better caching strategies? I don't have any experience with app development, but for web development, I use Redis for these kinds of things. Re: Which programming language is best Ludo game development? Programming Game Development by kishanrg … intend to target. However, some commonly used languages for game development, including Ludo games, are C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, and Python…. Ultimately, the "best" programming language for Ludo game development depends on your specific requirements, target platforms, and your proficiency… Re: How NOT to do business online Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … may. You can [see here]( that…, especially some guy who sells wood veneer, hiring the right web developer who can modify the out-of-the-box eCommerce… Re: Which programming language is best Ludo game development? Programming Game Development by polles i would choose JavaScript Re: Which programming language is best Ludo game development? Programming Game Development by m2host I will choose Python or JavaScript Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani … me complaining about it [here]( It's my… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani I'm too exhausted for an in depth explanation right now but 90% of web development is optimizing for performance. The average DaniWeb page takes anywhere from 80ms up to 250ms to load the HTML (when dealing with low network latency), depending on the type of page, so shaving 50ms off of that is a huge win. Re: Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by pritaeas … = new Container($A, $B, $C); ``` Web Development online Programming Web Development by ba24news Web Development online jobs are available But how to improve our development skill ? web development Digital Media UI / UX Design by shashikumar s g hi all , Let us discuss which are the new technology are using in the web development what the feature of this technology and this technology has the feature or not what its advantage using this from the late technology so more basic technology i know is html html5 css css3 ajax javascript dhtml xml json etc... Re: web development software Digital Media UI / UX Design by austinluthers … very useful for creating website But as per the best web development software concern i am preferred with Dreamweaver because it provide… Re: Web Development career Programming Web Development by damonmoats Web Development won't end so easily, I heard similer things just … in 2019, people even worlds best web development forms like DCS, GoodCore Software still developing awesome web apps and still in business. Though… Re: web development or web designing Programming Web Development by Bob Hensley > what is difference b/w web development & web designing.In which we have better scope or income? Developers … functions. Takes those numbers with a… web development or web designing Programming Web Development by kshitij6857 what is difference b/w web development & web designing.In which we have better scope or income?