896 Topics

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Member Avatar for spoonlicker

I'm having real complex problems with Windows API and a console application. The issue is that I can't have both windows active at the same time. I tried to include both headers, did both required tasks but only one of the windows opens. Here is the completed code: [code]#include <windows.h> …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for iammirko

Hi, I have been trying to compile open source projects since past few months with no success. I just don't know how to go about the entire thing. Readings over the internet have not helped much. Some come with [COLOR="red"]./Configure[/COLOR] and a [COLOR="red"]Makefile[/COLOR] while others with only a [COLOR="Green"]Makefile[/COLOR]. How …

Member Avatar for iammirko
Member Avatar for 84hd0ns

Hello I run ubuntu linux and I have just bought a new ipod touch You need itunes to set it up, which is, as usual, only available for Windows and mac (stupid apple for forgetting linux!!!). How can I set up my ipod? Thanks, Calum

Member Avatar for joejoe92
Member Avatar for ryanoman0

Ok. i have a python program launch in the windows command prompt window after you log in to increase security. (its simple, it asks three questions and if you answer all of them right the program ends) is there anyway to make it so that you cant just hit the …

Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy
Member Avatar for baldwindc

I am taking a data structures class and we are using the standard gcc compiler on a unix system. This is fine and I have no troubles using it, but I would like to begin using an IDE for my labs. I am trying Visual Studio 2010 Professional with my …

Member Avatar for baldwindc
Member Avatar for motters

hello every one i am new to c# though i am a php developer look at mastering a new lanugage so i fort it would be cool to make a windows mobile 7 app so i am start to learn the basic and have done pritty well. i have dabbled …

Member Avatar for katmai539

Hi there, In a form i have a datagrid with two columns. The columns are about 40 pixels wide and i can't find a way to have them larger when the program loads. Does anyone know a way to do this? Greets, K

Member Avatar for katmai539
Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft [URL="http://www.zdnet.co.uk/blogs/davey-winder-10015443/microsoft-staying-silent-over-security-patching-10015776/"]recently admitted[/URL], via the Director of it's Security Response Centre, that it doesn't report every Windows security vulnerability discovered and subsequently fixed via patches and updates. No big deal you might think, as long as the holes get fixed that's all that matter. I happen to agree, however that …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for babafemi

hello goodday. my name is babafemi ibitolu fro nnigeria. i am a desktop/web programmer and i have been programming for up to a year now and i have found the industry to be challenging and in return rewarding. something has been bothering me for like 2 months. i and a …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bill.jeffs

Ive been given a friends laptop to look at and suspect it has a virus on it as it is incredibly slow and some applications dont load, google chrome wont launch, windows live mail launches but when you try to send an email the program crashes.. and the laptop itself …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for khess

I just read an article called: [URL="http://www.infoworld.com/d/windows/life-after-windows-what-happens-tech-if-microsoft-dies-551?source=footer"]Life after Windows: What happens to tech if Microsoft dies?[/URL]" The article made me think of what it really would be like without Microsoft. I didn't like it. We need Microsoft over there competing with us. No matter what happens to the economy, to …

Member Avatar for katmai539
Member Avatar for khess

Hey Windows fans, would you like to take Linux for a spin to see what everyone's buzzing about? It's easy to do in just five easy steps. You can test Linux for yourself without having to setup multibooting, worry about partitioning or installing over your current Windows system. That's right, …

Member Avatar for ThisOldMan
Member Avatar for ben25x

I am quite stumped on something in C. I found this code on the Internet, and it only gives me one error; however, I cannot seem to fix it. The variable in the function the compiler's complaining about is: [CODE]char ConvertTime[8][/CODE] and the function itself is a windows one: [CODE]GetWindowTextW(GETITEM(IDC_CONVERT_TIME), …

Member Avatar for ben25x
Member Avatar for splashgecko

Hi folks, First time user of the forum, desparately needing help with an infection/virus/malware on my PC running XP. My antivirus has started going bonkers popping up with messages similar to "A threat has been detected and has now been fixed. Click here for further details". My AV software is …

Member Avatar for splashgecko
Member Avatar for insanely_sane

Ok.. so uptil now I've been using the DOS compiler and IDE for C++, version 3.0 by borland...(which is like ancient history).. But now I think it's about time to upgrade :P So since I have been away from C++ for a loooooong time, I need to start from scratch. …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for dotancohen

Hi all, first post. I am a C# novice, but I have some experience in other C-derived languages. I am trying to close a Windows Form and open another. This is the code that I am trying to use: [code=c#] FormChat fm = new FormChat(client, username); fm.Show(); fm.Activate(); this.Close(); [/code] …

Member Avatar for dotancohen
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I was wondering if there are any scripts out there that work similar to a normal windows browser. I'm not looking for a folder tree type of view though (as you would see in windows explorer) but more of a "single folder at a time" type of view. I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi I have two windows (Window1 and Window2) and want to set Window1 as the owner of Window2. Furthermore I want the controls on Window1 to be inherited by Window2. For instance I have a listbox list1 on Window1 and I want list1 to be in context even in Window2. …

Member Avatar for ibdatx
Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hi everyone! Is there a way to set a MySQL server to not automatically start execution until prompted by the user? I recently installed a MySQL server on Windows and I'm having a little bit of problem at start up. Everytime I go to the command prompt to type the …

Member Avatar for shinsengumi
Member Avatar for happygeek

Have you ever thought about measuring the Internet in terms if malware per minute? Me neither, but someone has and it makes for uncomfortable reading if you are a Microsoft Windows user. [attach]17145[/attach]How fast is the Internet? It depends on the metric being used, of course, but one new report …

Member Avatar for Chronister
Member Avatar for theweirdone

Hi, I was trying to use my friend's hard drive the other day, but my Windows computer would not recognize it because it was in a Mac file format. I'm now trying to create a program (simple cli), pretty much a file folder, but that would be able to read …

Member Avatar for solomonhomicz
Member Avatar for JohnnyPhantom

Hey Everyone! I'm stuck and could use a hand ^-^ I have a Toshiba Portege M200 thats giving me a head ache :P I just got the machine, it was working great but was used, and I wanted to erase everything on it and start fresh. I preformed the steps …

Member Avatar for W1ND0W5
Member Avatar for powersstuff

[url]http://www.creativedesignresolutions.com/projects/highway/bridges/i-35-corridor-widening-construction-project-1,-us77/39.html?headerbar=0[/url] Please see my issue on above page that I need to fix. I've got a Vimeo video and a wmv video on this page with two buttons: one for flash, one for wmv player. The issue is that when the wmv button is clicked the video tries to load …

Member Avatar for powersstuff
Member Avatar for dipanjanpal

I am currently running Windows Vista Servicepack1 amd I am using C-Free4.1 compiler. plz check the C code...[CODE] # include <stdio.h> # include <windows.h> # include <winreg.h> main() { HKEY hkey; RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hkey); RegSetValueExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Testing",0,REG_SZ,"HELLO",5) ; RegCloseKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); } [/CODE] Plz help me with this code or suggest me some good codes in …

Member Avatar for ckoy
Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hi all. I'm trying to develop a Winsock program in C. I can already compile the program correctly but I don't get any output when I run it. I don't know how to exactly use the WSAStringToAddressA function so I think it's the root of my problem. I'm using this …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for nxt200

Hello DaniWeb Software Developers :D I have a problem which exceed my programing capabilities and i need your help! Problem: I am somewhat new to c++ and i have been making some useful console applications in windows GUI visual Express. I thought i would give building in Linux a try …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for takken1

I am trying to create 2 different rendering windows using OpenGL. My code looks like: [CODE]void display1(){...} void display2(){...} void init(){... //some declarations and function calls pertaining to display2} int main(){ glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); glutInitWindowSize(1024,512); glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); glutCreateWindow("Window 1"); glutDisplayFunc(display1); glutPositionWindow(520,20); glutCreateWindow("Window 2"); init(); glutDisplayFunc(display2); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }[/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I normally only use Linux (Ubuntu) for software development, but I want to test an app on Windows with IE before I make it live. I have Windows 7 Ultimate installed, as well as Python 2.7 and Django 1.2.3 I appended C:\Python27\Scripts to my PATH, and .py to PATHEXT. …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hello all. Can anyone here help me create a separate function for the socket() API in socket programming? I successfully created one in Linux before but so far I can't do the same in Windows. The Windows version can't successfully connect using the separate socket() function. My primary suspect is …

Member Avatar for shinsengumi
Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hi everyone. I'm trying to export my C program that used MySQL from Linux to WindowsXP and to make the exportation simpler, I'm thinking of downloading Cygwin. May I ask if I still need to download anything to help me use MySQL in Cygwin? Links to download sites and/or tutorials …

Member Avatar for smantscheff

The End.