896 Topics

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I'm seeing a trend towards hardware, software and operating system commoditization in our new cloud-based world. I think that within 5 years applications, including your beloved desktop operating system will be completely hosted. This brings me to pondering whether or not at some point there will be multi-level marketing (MLM) …

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HP will most likely not be taking part in the '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3825.html"]I'm Linux[/URL]' marketing campaign then. In fact, it would appear that HP will no longer be providing customers in the UK with a Linux option for the new HP Mini 1000 netbook. Which is not the case for the US …

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It's time to embrace change in the IT world. Linux, for many, is ushering in a new age of reason. Its cost, stability, and open licensing make it a clear choice for those wanting to save money or shore up their service offerings. Companies, large and small, are turning to …

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Does the Open Source Model work better than its commercial alternative? This post comes on the heels of one of my fellow Staff Writer's posting the story, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3892.html"]A Modest Idea: What If Microsoft Open Sourced Windows?[/URL]" And I'm aiming this commentary at Microsoft too but it applies to any company …

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Member Avatar for khess

Those of you who follow the state of Linux may realize that Linux is now at the precipice or "jumping off place" as an operating system. Linux, to others, is viewed as being at the crossroads for success. What's the difference, for Linux, in teetering at the precipice and standing …

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Member Avatar for khess

What's more stable than a rock, faster than a spinning disk, more powerful than a Windows system twice its size, and able to leap platforms like no other operating system? Surprise! It's Linux. It's also recession proof. Can that be true? Yes, and here are the 5 reasons why: [B]1. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

If you are a Windows user and have not installed the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-067.mspx"]MS08-067 patch[/URL] from last October, then perhaps you had better pull your finger out. Of course, it could well be too late, and you could well be one of the nine million or so users who have already fallen …

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Lots of strong opinions about Microsoft out there. There are people who stand behind it staunchly. In their eyes Microsoft can do no wrong and critics like me are simply buffoons who don't get it. Then there are people who hate Microsoft for everything it stands for. In their minds …

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Linux will continue its soaring success in 2009. Yes, Linux is free and free is good but what about its other advantages over commercial Unix flavors and Windows? Here are the top seven reasons why Linux will continue to smash the competition in the face of the economy, the Cloud, …

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Whether the ailing economy is real or imagined, you might be looking for ways to shed some pounds off your bloated IT budget. You should seriously consider Linux and Open Source software to put your 2009 financial appetite on a diet. Here are 10 reasons to choose Linux in a …

Member Avatar for Anishabeb
Member Avatar for khess

I've looked at [URL="http://www.thinkgos.com"]GoodOS (gOS)[/URL] before in two other posts: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2802.html"]The Netbook Market Booms with Linux Onboard[/URL] and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3401.html"]Three Linux Distros to Watch and Use[/URL] but now they've taken the lightweight operating system (OS) one step further with Taiwan-based manufacturer [URL="http://www.gigabyte.com.tw"]GigaByte[/URL]. The GoodOS team created a very stripped down, browser-based …

Member Avatar for khess

Do you need to connect your Linux Desktops or Servers to Microsoft's Active Directory (AD)? If you do, now you can learn how to do it straight from the source at Microsoft's TechNet site in the article: [URL="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd228986.aspx"]Authenticate Linux Clients with Active Directory[/URL]. Do you wonder why you'd want to …

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What happens when your security software thinks your operating system is out to get you? Users of AVG8 discovered the answer when it decided that a Windows XP user32.dll system file was infected with a Trojan, and deleted it. Uh oh Buck, biddly biddly biddly. What happens when you delete …

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Member Avatar for khess

About a month ago, research firm IDC released a [URL="http://idc.com/getdoc.jsp;jsessionid=NR3SD2A2131BMCQJAFICFFAKBEAUMIWD?containerId=prUS21420408"]report[/URL] summarizing personal computer (PC) sales and their projected growth over the next few years. Included in the report are Desktop computers, Server computers, and Laptops. The boost in sales and projected growth are due to the upsurge in consumers purchasing …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Support for RESTful Web services, JBoss Seam and Java refactorings and code inspections are among the new features in [url=http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/newfeatures.html]IntelliJ IDEA 8[/url], JetBrains' Java IDE for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows that began shipping today. If you're not familiar, JetBrains' raison d'être is to make an integrated development environment …

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Member Avatar for khess

After posting [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3340.html"]5 Things I Wish Linux Had[/URL], I did some mulling and gathered comments from readers and compiled this additional list of items that I wish Linux had. I've also included one thing that I wish Linux didn't have. These are part of my 2009 Wishlist and are more …

Member Avatar for tracyanne
Member Avatar for khess

Here is the big announcement I promised you from VMWorld. [URL="http://www.mokafive.com"]MokaFive[/URL], a Desktop Virtualization company, originally created Desktop VMs (Virtual Machines) that reside on a USB flash drive. Now, MokaFive takes Desktop virtualization to the next level: Your Desktop on your phone. [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]MokaFive specializes in mobile desktop virtualization – meaning, …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Making what now seems like the next logical step for operating system evolution, VMware today told the world about [url=http://www.vmware.com/technology/virtual-datacenter-os/]Virtual Datacenter OS[/url], which it positions as a way to "pool all types of hardware resources--servers, storage and network--into an aggregated on-premise cloud." The solution gives enterprise administrators flexibility and options …

Member Avatar for EddieC

A new application programming interface released this week gives development and test teams the ability to link their ground-based test systems with virtual operating systems accessed through a browser. It all comes from [url=http://www.skytap.com/]Skytap[/url], which earlier this year released [url=http://www.skytap.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=120]Virtual Lab[/url], a Web-based infrastructure that provisions virtual hardware, software, networking …

Member Avatar for khess

One has to wonder what's going on in the world between [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] and [URL="http://www.novell.com"]Novell[/URL]. They signed a deal in 2006 worth over $300 million so that Novell could provide licensing certificates and support to Microsoft for its SuSE Linux distribution. Novell, in turn, has to pay Microsoft $40 million over …

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Member Avatar for khess

BestBuy is now offering Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) in a shrink-wrapped box for $19.99. This is the only packaged Linux that BestBuy currently sells. I haven't seen the package or visited my local BestBuy store in several months but I am happy about this decision. Shelf space is at a …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

A built-in profiler, a new attributes language and enhanced project analyzer are among the features in RealBasic 3, the cross-platform integrated development environment from Real Software. The IDE for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows began shipping today. RealBasic 3 now supports attributes—which the company characterizes as compile-time properties—for project …

Member Avatar for EddieC

You’re about to begin a project that will tap into or integrate data from a database. You’ve been looking for low-cost ways to clear that data of duplicates, near-dupes, and obsolete or garbage data. But cleansing tools are expensive. As of today, there’s a free solution for you to think …

Member Avatar for EddieC

At the risk of sounding like just another Microsoft bashing session, I already trust Apple’s [URL=http://www.apple.com/mobileme/] MobileMe[/URL] more than [URL=http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2364.html] Microsoft’s Mesh[/URL]. Apple today unveiled the new service which it says will be up and running in July. MobileMe will replace the venerable .Mac online file storage service and compete …

Member Avatar for mostwanteddomai
Member Avatar for EddieC

Acer is the latest company to jump on the ultra-portable bandwagon with Aspire one, a 2.2-pound unit that sports a near-full size keyboard and can yield as much as six hours of battery life per charge, according to claims by the PC maker. Rival Asus last month began shipping [URL=http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2339.html] …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Virtualization of operating systems is all the rage these days; the benefits to software developers and testers are clear. What if you could virtualize applications? According to [URL=http://www.xenocode.com/]Xenocode[/URL], you can. The company today released [URL=http://www.xenocode.com/Products/Studio/]Virtual Application Studio[/URL], a US$40-per-seat environment that turns an application into a self-contained executable, able to …

Member Avatar for audinue
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I’ve found myself using online apps more and more lately. Whether it’s Google Reader, the Daniweb blogging tool, my online calendar or Facebook, I’m spending more time in my browser and less time using desktop applications. This got me thinking if more and more of our work is moving online, …

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ASUS announced that their new EEE 900 PC sporting Windows XP (Vista won't run on it) will cost $50 AUD less than its Linux counterpart. I am no economist but I can figure out quickly that a computer that comes with Windows XP Home and Microsoft Works pre-installed is going …

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I am disappointed to hear that the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative may be changing its original focus of providing a low-cost laptop to the world’s poorest children. Originally, the small device was to enter the market at $100 USD but had a production release price of $188 USD. …

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Last night on Craig Crossman’s [URL="http://www.computeramerica.com"]Computer America[/URL], America’s longest-running nationally syndicated radio talk show about computers, Craig and crew interviewed Jason Perlow (rhymes with Merlot) about all things Linux. You may recognize Jason from his long-running stint as a regular columnist for [URL="http://www.linux-mag.com"]Linux Magazine[/URL], his popular food blog site [URL="http://www.offthebroiler.com"]offthebroiler.com[/URL], …


The End.