XML RPC Problem in WordPress Programming Web Development by jhbalaji …type of error it is Also here the XML RPC is enabled and the when i access …directly it works(i mean the error message "XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only") [CODE] …lt;/category>".$body; $params = array('','',$username,$password,$XML,1); $request = xmlrpc_encode_request('blogger.newPost',$params); $ch =… XML-RPC with PHP Programming Web Development by mogaka …, 'struct')); } Look at the above code. I intended to implement XML-RPC(xml remote procedure call) using php. the problem is that it… XML-RPC API in PHP Programming Web Development by ashafaaiz Hi, I am creating as API using XML-RPC in php to fetch a database record that matches id … How do I filter XML-RPC and SOAP requests with wireshark? Hardware and Software by madhatterauda Someone please guide me. I have just installed wireshark on ubuntu, and for the love of god, I can't figure out which button is supposed to filter SOAP and XML-RPC requests. A guide or tut would be great. :) Need some help interacting with an XML-RPC server Programming Software Development by leiger … and collecting whatever it returns back to me. The XML-RPC server in question is the one that Wikidot.com makes…;https://"+user+":"+key+"@www.wikidot.com/xml-rpc-api.php"; public static void main(String[] args) {…mind that I am new to everything to do with XML-RPC, which probably explains the difficulty I had in getting… PHP Web Service What is the issue on localhost?getting error `XML-RPC Fault Programming Web Development by nutandevjoshi …;html> <head> <title>XML-RPC PHP Demo</title> </head> &…lt;body> <h1>XML-RPC PHP Demo</h1> <?php include 'xmlrpc…quot;; } elseif ($result->faultCode()) { print "<p>XML-RPC Fault #" . $result->faultCode() . ": " .… javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException??????? Programming Web Development by asadfx … to the server, I get the following error: "javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Number of parameters passed in (0) doesn't match… org.apache.axis.utils.Options; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode; import javax.xml.rpc.*; public class DummyC { /** * @param args */ public… javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Programming Web Development by vishnu_1984 …error at my Tomcat console: [CODE] javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The….vb:line 415 at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._raiseFault(StreamingSender.java:491) at… com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(StreamingSender.java:307) … Report Printing through PHP XML-RPC for OpenERP 6 Programming Web Development by Christopher_9 … all readers, I see many examples of report printing through xml-rpc for OpenERP 6 for the pyhton language but I can… payroll system based with PHP and I do everything through xml-rpc to talk with my OpenERP 6 server, but I can… print payslips or get the report I should say through XML-RPC using PHP. Any assistance out there? Re: Need some help interacting with an XML-RPC server Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ Have you tried to understand the client examples posted on the [URL="http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/client.html"]official XML-RPC site[/URL]? IMO, something like [icode]client.execute("System.listMethods", new ArrayList())[/icode] or [icode]client.execute("system.listMethods", new ArrayList())[/icode] should do the trick. Re: Need some help interacting with an XML-RPC server Programming Software Development by leiger … working eventually. Turned out that the latest version of Apache XML-RPC only had [I]some[/I] of the JARs I needed… Re: Need some help interacting with an XML-RPC server Programming Software Development by leiger … equivalent in Java is a Map, correct? However the Apache XML-RPC libraries only allow me to pass in either a List… Re: Need some help interacting with an XML-RPC server Programming Software Development by leiger Solved the problem. The Apache XML-RPC libraries only accepted a List and Object[] ... so I was … Re: How to implement XML-RPC client in PHP? Programming Web Development by osol Basically xml-rpc involves creation and parsing xmls based on your API.PHP has XML libraries and specialized xml-rpc libraries.If you are using SOAP,the most popula opensourceoption with php is NUSOAP Cannot access some Python XML-RPC API methods, using Java (any that need parameters) Programming Software Development by leiger I am attempting to access an XML-RPC API method using a Java client. I'm fairly certain … a Python script. I've also been able to access XML-RPC methods that don't require any parameters using Java. The… Re: Cannot access some Python XML-RPC API methods, using Java (any that need parameters) Programming Software Development by leiger I'm using Java and the Apache XML-RPC libraries, to access an XML-RPC API. The backend of the API is written in Python… How to implement XML-RPC client in PHP? Programming Web Development by raul8 How to implement XML-RPC client in php that sends request to some XML-RPC server? Thank You Re: Cannot access some Python XML-RPC API methods, using Java (any that need parameters) Programming Software Development by leiger Solved the problem. The Apache XML-RPC libraries only accepted a List and Object[] ... so I was … java xml-rpc response parsing xml Programming Software Development by kievari …a variable of type Object, which is obtained from an xml-rpc call like: [CODE] Object[] params = new Object[]{new…;, params ); [/CODE] and I know that it contains this xml data: [CODE] <methodResponse> <params> …5.0} [/CODE] I tried to parse it to xml which didn't work in my way: [CODE] DocumentBuilderFactory… help de-serialize XML-RPC string Programming Software Development by spinaltoad I cannot figure out the correct way to de-serialize a string passed via xml-rpc. If I print out the string I get [code] {'params': ['123', 3], 'methodName': 'function'} [/code] I could split the string, and then drop unwanted characters. But, that seems like the wrong way. Any help would be appreciated. Is it possible to call Jsp from PHP code using XML-RPC? Programming Web Development by raul8 I want to call a jsp form my PHP code. I caqme across that it can be done using XML-RPC. Is it possible & where I can find any tutorials for this? Thank You How to add a user/password authentication as XML-RPC method Programming Web Development by logicslab Dear friends, I am using the XML-RPC Server to implement a simple login authentication as a web … Re: XML RPC Problem in WordPress Programming Web Development by jhbalaji Any Update on this please ??? Re: XML RPC Problem in WordPress Programming Web Development by jhbalaji Please somebody reply on this Re: XML RPC Problem in WordPress Programming Web Development by saad.khalid Please remove the semi colon from line#23. as function defination dont need any delimiter (;) at the end Re: XML RPC Problem in WordPress Programming Web Development by jhbalaji @saad.khalid: tried but did not worked :( Re: XML RPC Problem in WordPress Programming Web Development by jhbalaji None helped till now :( Re: XML-RPC with PHP Programming Web Development by diafol are you passing params as a StdObject? If using StdObject - I think it's a bit fussy. From where are you getting this data (params)? If from json_decode there is a boolean second parameter - set this to 'true' and you have an associative array instead of the stdobject. More info please. Re: XML-RPC with PHP Programming Web Development by mogaka $params = new xmlrpcmsg('users_add', array(new xmlrpcval('firstname', 'string'), new xmlrpcval('middlename', 'string'), new xmlrpcval('lastname', 'string'))); the source of $params is s shown above. note that values i have put are direct … Re: How do I filter XML-RPC and SOAP requests with wireshark? Hardware and Software by sultry_dry Hello, there are a lot of guides on the internet. Have you ever tried searching google? [Icodeya](http://www.icodeya.com/2014/07/using-wireshark-to-filter-http-requests.html) has a tutorial about it complete with screenshots.