Bionic Arm Stand to Hold Your Mic, Kill Sarah Connor

Glass_Joe 0 Tallied Votes 660 Views Share

Come with me if you want to rock.

What is easily the greatest thing you’ve seen all week looks like an alternate ending toTerminator 2: Judgment Day, one that didn't leave me in tears and featured Ahhhnold rocking the main stage at Ozzfest, which isn't a far stretch this year with a leather-clad Rob Halford as a supporting act. The stainless steel stand, created by artist Christopher Conte, is a true marvel in every sense, much like the man behind the work.

The Norwegian born illustration major earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art (BFA) from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn while studying anatomy at the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. He would later go on to work in the medical sector building prosthetic limbs for amputees for 16 years. In his spare time, he melded his love for both realms of his standout creativity into artistic expressions fit for any modern exhibition. His sculptures, a combination between original components and recycled parts from the aerospace and medical industries, are the cybernetic love child of a Leonardo DaVinci design sketch, an H.R. Giger painting, and Skynet. They have been featured on The Discovery Channel, MTV Networks, and in Discover Magazine, Wired Magazine, and Popular Science Magazine. His designs even sparked the interest and an eventual partnership with engineers at Northrop Grumman, designer and manufacturer of military aircraft, weapons, and defense systems. Hasn't our military learned anything from Hollywood?!?!

In a recent interview with Dark Matter Magazine, Conte explains his creative process:
[INDENT]Most often, I have a rough image in my head but usually not on paper. After I come up with a general concept, such as an insect, I then set out to hunt down parts which lend themselves well to the visual concept. This is usually how it works, although sometimes, a part I find (maybe at a flea market, for example), may immediately lend itself to an idea.[/INDENT]
The mic stand is made slightly less intimidating when it’s revealed that it was custom crafted for Three Days Grace, who you can hear on the latest Now That’s What I Call Music: Volume 189582369.

Conte’s full breathtaking portfolio can be viewed here .

“I’ll be back…for the encore.”

Marco69 0 Newbie Poster

Where can I buy a Bionic Arm Mic stand? I really like it, its really cool.

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