It has been reported that you can purchase the white house for 300 million+ (if empty i suppose)

I've heard the Brooklyn Bridge is also for sale. Has been for decades, mostly to tourists.

Commercials for the Super Bowl is expected to go up to 4 million dollars for a 30 second commercial... Wow.

Those commercials better be good...

For apple to be profitable, analysts claim they must fire Tim cook and fix his mistakes... I agree!

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Reading a message from fortune cookie won't tell me what fortune will come in the near future.

They say getting struck by lightning is more likely than winning the lottery, that has come true a few times.

The Miller-Urey experiment in 1953 raised the possibility that lightning may have been a key to the origin of life on Earth.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

The superbowl is not a bowl of food but a bowl of fans in a stadium.

During her three year term at Fox News, Sarah Palin was paid $15.85 per word.

During her three year term at Fox News, Sarah Palin was paid $15.85 per word.

That is crazy even though she sucks...

Anderson Cooper is related to the vanderbilts, one of them was the top 10 richest people that ever lived.

The unemployment rate for recent college graduates in Architecture is 13.9 percent in the US. The highest of all degrees.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

The Olympics is every 4 years now it's every 2 years.

The 2014 winter Olympics are going to be held in Sochi, Russia.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

You're right -- 2014 Winter Olympics is in Russia.

Vodka came from Russia as China has Rice Wine.

Loving eating shashlyk & morozhenoe =)

Technically, because it is made from rice, it's rice beer rather than rice wine.

commented: Yoiu're right! +0

America has the highest rate of obesity (yeah, we are fat...)

In the USA New Jersey has the highest ratio of people moving out compared to those moving in. Of the 6,300 total moves tracked in the state in 2012, 62% were outbound. Mostly to Southern states.

People in the United States experience higher rates of disease and injury and die earlier than people in other high-income countries.

Quoted from the January 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association

America is the highest consumer of almost everything.

Member Avatar for diafol

Self-regulating mechanism? Gaia and all that?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Riceball has rice and pea and onion and minch meat inside of it that's why it is called a Riceball.

If you invested about 100,000 dollars (it could be 1 million, hopefully my numbers are right) on Priceline stock before it crashed (from 20 dollars to 2 dollars) and still kept it, you could have about 25 million dollars if you sold it at its highest peak.

Antidepressant use in the United States has nearly quadrupled in the last twenty years. Those states identified as being the most religious are also the heaviest per capita users. Residents of Utah are twice as likely as Americans over all to be users of anti-depressants. Of the top ten religious states, six are also on the list of top ten most medicated states

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Those states identified as being the most religious are also the heaviest per capita users.

<off topic>
There's must be a mistake from the article I mean 8 states are down South that's alot states. I mean this article is 3 years ago I mean things has change since.
Only Missouri and Iowa is not from the South but Mid-West.
</off topic>

At the bottom of the list were Alaska, California and Hawaii. Don't know what that means. Maybe a lot of coastal water equals something.

"Blade Runner" (olympic sprinter, the one without the legs) shot his wife claiming that he saw her as an intruder (i believe that he got mad at her).

commented: That he did!! +0

A meteor weighing 10 tons struck russia at 33,000 MPH and injured 1000 people. (this happened today)

"Blade Runner" (olympic sprinter, the one without the legs) shot his wife claiming that he saw her as an intruder (i believe that he got mad at her).

I live in South Africa and he is an icon here (was maybe)... How on earth do you shoot someone through a bathroom door (with a cubicle size of a window) 4 TIMES and then claims that you thought it was a burglar - BULLSHIT!!! He had an awesome model girlfriend that KNEW he had a pistol - How on earth will she try and surpise him on valentines morning at 05:00 in the morning AFTER the neighbours claim they heard some fighting...

Comes to show that no one is perfect, but this F**&^&* up, no. may he wrot!!

For those of you familiar with Chuck Lorre's productions, you are probably aware of the vanity cards that flash briefly at the end of each show. Some are censored by the network and available only on his website. There is a recent one that he didn't even bother to submit to the censors for approval. I think it should be read by everyone. You can find card # 397 here

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