has anyone seen "Warrior" with Tom Hardy in it? It was pretty good, well it suits me because martial arts is a sport i do (aside from Basketball), i am not sure about you guys...

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Yes, I saw Warrior. It was really good.

I just realized that whenever Tom Hardy is in a movie, I don't notice it is him lol.

Argo was the last movie that I really liked. I like true stories.

I saw argo, i was amazed on how it beat Lincoln in the golden globes!

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Did it came out on DVD yet?

I don't think so.

"A thousand cuts" was rather interesting. "Raspoutine" was more like a historic documentary than a movie IMO, but okay.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

"A thousand cuts" was rather interesting.

This is must be the movie you saw that you find it interesting:

A Thousand Cuts (2011) - IMDb 2.9 stars rating film.

Offical Website

I never heard of this movie but I heard of Michael O'Keefe. This movie is like a torture movie. I don't think this movie came out on DVD yet nor in theatres yet.

This movie is like a torture movie

No, it isn't. People expect that based on the title. IMDB ratings mean nothing. It gets that low rating based on that same assumption. The two user reviews are spot on (both rating high).

Member Avatar for diafol

Watched Kansas City Confidential (old film) with Jack Elam and Lee Van Cleef. Cracking! There's some very wooden scenes - poorly directed and the ending - well let's just say I laughed my socks off - it was supposed to be melodrama - but just ridiculous. Anyway, really good.

Am about to watch Los Cronocrimenes (Timecrimes), Spanish film. Unfortunately it's dubbed. :(

Los Cronocrimenes

Sounds interesting, a little like "Primer".

I watched Dredd 2012 and wasn't displeased with it.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

IMDB ratings mean nothing. It gets that low rating based on that same assumption. The two user reviews are spot on (both rating high).

You are right about IMDB rating, it's overrated. I think I have to wait until the DVD comes outs.

Am about to watch Los Cronocrimenes (Timecrimes), Spanish film. Unfortunately it's dubbed. :(

I saw that movie Los Cronocrimenes (Timecrimes) few years back and it was in Spanish. Wow, You must be a movie buff I am surprise you can find that movie. It's a very rare to look for because not much people heard that movie unless you speak Spanish.

Sounds interesting, a little like "Primer".

I never heard nor saw Primer, it's an indie movie.

I watched Dredd 2012 and wasn't displeased with it.

Dredd 2012 was good, it has a good storyline.

with Jack Elam and Lee Van Cleef

Quite a while back someone recommended "Once Upon a Time in the West". Beautiful cinematography but possibly the most boring movie ever made. Everyone walked vvveeerrrryyyy sssllloooowwwwlllllyyy. However, there is a scene at the beginning with Jack Elam waiting at the train station. There is a confrontation between him and a fly that is absolutely classic.

Dredd 2012 was good, it has a good storyline.

The problem with Dredd was that it gets annoying (by my opinion) whenever i see "mama" (the antagonist)... But the character Dredd was pretty cool. But yes, the film was good.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I just saw Fright Night (2011) starting Colin Farrell. It wasn't as good as the one 20 years ago. But it was OK.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Quite a while back someone recommended "Once Upon a Time in the West".

Seem like most Daniweb members like western films or genres. I never was into western films but recent films like 3:10 to Yuma or True Grit was OK.

I didn't like 3:10 to yuma, but i thought True Grit was pretty good. Overall i am not a western movie sort of person (unless you can count Django Unchained as one, than that is a differet story)

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I saw Looper last night. I thought it was good movie. The storyline looks similiar to 12 Monkeys. The only difference is that Looper has a closure and 12 Monkeys doesn't.

"Three Standup Guys" is great thanks to some wonderful acting.

I saw the huanted house... the commercial was all that was funny... not the film.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

"Three Standup Guys" is great thanks to some wonderful acting.

Haven't watch that movie yet but did heard Bon Jovi singing the theme song for "Three Standup Guys". It was a nice song.

@LastMitch, yes... that is the one :)

I just watched "21 Jump Street", it was pretty funny :)

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I just watched "21 Jump Street", it was pretty funny :)

I haven't seen it but I like the TV version more.

Saving Private Ryan - my No.1 film of all time, along with Black Halk Down.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Saving Private Ryan - my No.1 film of all time, along with Black Halk Down.

I think Black Hawk Down much better storyline than Saving Private Ryan.

I just watched "21 Jump Street", it was pretty funny :)
i've watched that along with my friends and it was hilarious ..
i saw rurounin kenshin, i was impress by the stunts

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