
nightwishmaster hasn't annoyed me yet. :)

Narue tried to kill this thread because nobody could say anything nice about her, but then in doing so created something nice to say about her, in that she tried to kill this thread.

Simply the fact that Rashakil's icon sorta looks like the baby corpse from the Omen (as in, the newly released movie) heh


is very helpful towards the community

^ has a nice avatar. Reminds me of Morticia Adams.

^ has a cool signature....i automatically think of microsoft word's paperclip when i see it!

nightwishmaster is helping me to strengthen the community aspects of the site, which I've been trying to work on improving lately.

cscgal is just really nice. (where have I heard that before?)

goldeagle2005 is helpful and quick to reply!

^ is very nice but is OFFLINE right now :(


He rocks :( ..


1 word. CUTE!


1 word is not enuf 4 Chakyyy ..

nobel worrior :cool: + soooooooo helpfullllllll and sweeeet etc ..

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

(correcting my self)
Cute is the 1st word.
Others that follow are nice, smart, giving...

... to be continued.


The rate of

"Posts per Day"

Is really good.(Wish to have it)

Member Avatar for iamthwee


As the name suggests, u is smart.

^ I like your avatar


As the name suggests must be having some golden qualities(may be unknown to me)

^ has a nice face

Says only good about others

has a good (and very true) signature :)

Scott is fun to play Geeks Lounge games with. :)

new member, yet more active then me, which is niiiiiiiiiiiiiCe :cheesy:

^ has a Cute ID

Made a real funny joke about the werewolf-o-meter!!! lol :lol:


Posts often :p

Scottg1989 is a cool guy, because he likes programming ;)


May be he is having some link with Microsoft as the name suggests.:confused: :confused:

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