RoyForum 0 Newbie Poster

Hello, I'm Roy an Applications Analyst at Trident Technical College in Charleston, SC. USA. I came here looking for solutions to problems I've encountered trying to get Crystal reports to load with my ASP.Net apps on our web server. I might find the answer here someday if I can navigate past all of the pop-up ads. I understand this site is free and is so because of advertizing but I'm not an in-your-face person. I am a capitalist and appreciate the entrepreneurs who take the initiative and have the economic freedom to generate sites such as this! A little about myself. I'm a member of America's Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. I attend Tea Parties, and am an enthusiastic supporter of the FairTax. I believe that after the books of the Bible, the American Constitution is the greatest document penned by man and I believe both to be inspired by Almighty God. Peace be with you!