Welcome everyone! :) Thanks for joining ... and please remember, direct all questions to the appropriate forum :) Thanks!

yup ya a big warm welcome to each and every member signing up umm well ...... quite frequently

Hello from Arizona!

I just wanted to say "Hello" before I started picking everyone's brain.:)

--Jeffrey Blackwell

Hi everyone I'm Hairdos77 I'm new to this forum, Happy Holidays to all.
I enjoy learning all I can from other peoples experiences in which I do from forums like this one, but at times I would like to be able to ask my own question for help. Hair is my first line of business right now but computers are my passion. I hope santa is good to you! Merry Christmas

Hellow I am doing M.C.A
and keen to know c Language

G'day folks,

next i oughta wrestle a snake and a crocodile and then say "Crikey!" But he's from Queensland and I am in Tasmania so i wont.



does Anyone Know How To Put Program Files/applications (that You Can Click On) In Aim Profiles?

Hello from the cornfield! My names Ana and I live in a small town in Iowa. I dont know a whole lot about the "inners" of the computer but Im pretty good with it in general. For about 50 hours a week I am committed to making refridgerators for you and yours. Dani you have an great site! See ya around :D

If you can respond to this thread, you can post your own question! The same way you clicked the post reply button while visiting a thread, go up one level, visit a forum, and click the new thread button :)

this site seems to hav changed a lot from the last time i visited ..may be 2 months back...!!!......i cant find the the 'new thread' tab anywhere :?:

hello every one i hope all is well
thanks for letting me be a part of this great site

this site seems to hav changed a lot from the last time i visited ..may be 2 months back...!!!......i cant find the the 'new thread' tab anywhere :?:

A recent change that we made was to subdivide forums. i.e. the hardware forum is now broken down into subforums ... you must enter one of ths subforums to find the new thread button.

If you're still having problems, please PM or e-mail me or one of the moderators and we'll help you out.

Hi just looking for some help on basic computer probs that I am having:))

howdy all,new to this forum & just trying to learn bout these computers.
just a little about myself.... im a vietnam vet 66-68 @ khe sahn (nam)
i also work for the DEA ,but promise ill always be off duty while visiting this forum.....lol lol
guess thats about it. hope to learn a lot from you guys ......thanks & i always say STAY SAFE after all my posts

Hi everyone. I am Brandon, I run about 30 websites currently and am looking to get some help filling out my directory:


Feel free to add your sites, the link back is not required, just put "dani" in the box it asks for your link back. However if you would like to link back I would be. VERY HAPPY!

Anyone who would like to trade with my home page (PR5) under :"Recommended Sites" just e-mail me.

Nice to meet everyone

Hiya everyone! ive been posting for about a week (i think...) and just been getting used to using the site - thought i should say hello! My name's Chris and im a uni student studying Engineering, currently in my First year :)

Hey there everyone! Welcome and enjoy :)

hi i'm jd
i hope to learn a lot about computing here
thanx in advance to everyone
gnoufi :p

Hey folks: New to the site here. I'm a lurker I guess. from California and a computer "user" for many yuears. Not a techie but I've got time on my hands and ned to knoow a few things now and then so I guess I'll be bugging you all witgh stupid quesions. Gene

I can not log on to hotmail.com It says done but nothing is there. I need to check my e-mail. Any Help out there?

I'm new here... :) Whish me luck...

Hey there forum lurkers - all you people who are browsing the site but still haven't taken a minute to sign up. I just thought it would be a nice idea to welcome you all to the forums. Why not drop us a line and say howdy here? Heck, you don't even need to register to reply to threads here in the Geek's Lounge forum! Go ahead, introduce yourself ;)

HowDo Folks,I'm 45 yrs old and I am deeply into Fs2002 and live in UK.
I have a gorgeous wife, a 20yr old son,an 18yr old daughter and 2 Jack Russell terrorists,er sorry,terriers.I'm a paint sprayer by trade and this helps
in my other hobbies of R/C anything and scale modelling. :cheesy:

I'm 48, I'm fairly new to computers and really new to Apples. I'm married, got a kid whose 13. I love my Mac! I have a g4 eMac. I do have a problem though. My wife sent a document from her PC to my Apple to print and eversince whenever I try to use Appleworks 6 I get a slow load, a spinning rainbow sphere then a black and white sphere then finally I can enter a command, like "new file" and the whole process begins anew. I can use the program but it goes on like that until I'm done. I usually have to do a "force quit" to get out of Appleworks. Any ideas?

Hey there guys. Dervish, please post your question in our Mac Software forum :) This is just an introduction thread, afterall ;)

Post count is now one. btw, awesome site. Expect a lot of questions and misspellings from me.

Hi, I am umm, ME. Thanks nice site. FYI I have complete knowledge and understanding about the following areas:

Just joined :)

I saw a couple of threads that dealt with the issue of promoting one's site. I am very happy with the pointers I've received so I decided to join.

new here....trying to post a question....how can i get past 'error on page'

Thanks, I will as soon as I get a few moments to do so.


Well i can honestly say this is the last place that i thought that i would find myself! As i have never really used a computer other the one at work, which is looked after by our IT guy!

My 5 year old son has finally won and i have purchased this computer for him, and a couple of months later, i am the one that uses it the most and spends more time on it than him!

I have had a hard time getting my head around a through things that can go wrong with a computer and this is what brought me here.

Its really good to know that there is someone out there that can help with your computer, i kind of feel a little bit more safe somehow! :-)

Anyway i no doubt will be asking many questions, and hope that the computer lasts till at least the end of the year!

Hope everyone had a great christmas.

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