3 Alternatives (Maybe 4) To Yahoo! Briefcase

Lisa Hoover 0 Tallied Votes 469 Views Share

Yahoo! announced this week plans to shut down its free online storage service, Briefcase. Users have until March 30th to find a replacement service before their files become inaccessible. There are loads of free online options to choose from, but here are three of my favorites:

IDrive -- This service gives you 2 GB of storage for free, with the option to buy more if you need it. Aside from the generous storage, I like IDrives customizable sync scheduler an manual delete protection that keeps you from accidentally dumping important files. IDrive works on a Mac and Windows, but unfortunately not Linux.

fileQube -- If you're looking for a free service with advanced features, fileQube might fit the bill. It comes with 2 BG of storage, but also offers RSS sharing and the ability to instantly share files with others via direct download. I also like the tagging and shared Web folder options that make file organation and collaboration dead simple.

Box.net -- Since becoming integrated with LinkedIn, Box.net has become one of the most well-known online storage services around. Although the free plan allows for only 1 GB of storage, the paid plans offer much more. With Box.net, you can arrange collaboration folders, share files publicly, and even put a widget on your Web site so visitors can download documents and files.

If none of these options look good, you can always wait for GDrive, Google's much-anticipated foray into online storage. Although details are still sketchy, some people are reporting a file in Google Pack with a description that reads. "GDrive provides reliable storage for all of your files, including photos, music and documents. ... GDrive allows you to access your files from anywhere, anytime, and from any device -- be it from your desktop, Web browser, or cellular phone."

Of course, Google is staying characteristically quiet on the issue, so you'll have to draw your own conclusions about when and if GDrive will eventually surface.

Flashlight 0 Newbie Poster

FilesAnywhere -- Take a look at www.FilesAnywhere.com

They have a great service, I've used FA for years and they have more features than the ones mentioned here. Their features are well suited to professional users, but they do have free accounts as well.

tdwong 0 Newbie Poster

Don't forget the Microsoft skydrive (Windows Live) which gives you 25GB of disk space.

tdwong 0 Newbie Poster

I have also seen lots of mention about BaDonGo (http://www.badongo.com/) on the Web.

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