AccurateAG 28 Junior Poster in Training

Hi All:

I would like to give a few tips on making your life easier when it comes to putting links on your site.

1. When you make a blog, set up a social media site, etc., copy the URL into a file for future reference (I didn't, at first).

2. When you go to put links to these on your web site, the easiest way to get the icon is to go to Google Image Search, and search by "exact size". Makes it look nice, when all the icons are the same size, and it is MUCH easier than modifying it to size in Paint. What, you don't know how to do it in Paint?

3. In Paint, go to Image, Resize, then click on Pixels. Simple, and a LOT easier than dragging it, or reducing by percentages.

4. When you add the icon to your site, ensure you put a descriptive alt tag in there, with something like "Accurate Auto Glass Blog" or "John on Twitter". This definitely helps wit your SEO.

5. When you are done, TEST THE LINKS! Simple, I know, but so easy to forget.

Anybody have any other good tips?


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