makefriendme 0 Newbie Poster

i feel great to share my views regarding on the text links clicks, shopingg clicks and other online clicks. Since, these clicks generate a lots of money
1. text link ad is one in which you have written some text and it will be underlined and when some one brings cursor on the underliner word, he get information of the advertisements and if he cliscks he will be paid for the click.
note:- it has very click rates, so very high income can be generated
Link Ads

2. you can earn a lots of money by joining click-share program, its on the selling of euipments like laptops, digital cameras, dvd and many mores.
you will be get paid for the click made on the advertisements and you will get extra payment on the selling made by you.

3. another pay per click which now a days taking a grip is clicksor, so my recomendation is that you should join clicksor

4. today seeling of adspace and buying of adspace is making revolutionary income and its free and anyone can join it.

5. another method of earning is forex, by joining forex you can earn $10k per month

So, earn a lots of money