No Doubt its Twitter.........

no doubt about twitter and i also like ourkut

commented: SPAMMER -2

After Facebook,MySpace and Bebo are best sites.

I think that question is actually an open-ended question subject to individual interpretation and experience. Those who have had great success with Facebook, will obviously defend it. Those who vouch for Twitter, will defend it. Hence, I think there really is no right or wrong answer to that. Whichever works best for whatever it is you are trying to achieve for your business needs, then that is the one that works.

Facebook is a good resource, especially for creating fan pages. Except the Zuckermann idiot hasn't invented auto RSS submission.

In my opinion Twitter comes next to Facebook most popular social networking sites on the Internet. Then comes Orkut, LinkedIn, Ibibo in the list. I use all of this sites regularly but I spend most of my time using Facebook. It has a got a lot of applications, games, etc.,

Best Networking Site after the Facebook are:


I also agree that twitter is also a big social networking site after facebook..!!! Thank you for sharing your question..

Twitter has on it Obama, Taylor Swift, Oprah, Dr Oz and many others.

Twitter for sure then I would probably say Linkedin or possibly Digg.

According to me twitter is the one of the best social networking site after the facebook. Because of this is the also very popular in the people.

I think very social website work accordingly. Many users use facebook to stay connected with there family, friends Etc. But in my opinion we should target professional networks such as linkedin. But here I'm not opposing facebook, As you can create customized fan page with help of FMBL.

Definitely Twitter

actually, I would not say twitter. I would say Youtube, because its ranked as #3 in the world for traffic, alexa, etc. Make a webpresence on youtube and it will be way more useful than twitter.

Twitter and linkedin are also the top social networking sites.

myspace is second to the facebook.....

linked in
there are many but acc. to me this is enough.

delicious and multiply both are bookmarking site twitter, myspace, friend feed and linked in are the most popular sites

Obviously and is another major social networking sites after facebook. Eachone have its one importance and qualities.


Facebook have 600 million users it is the top networking sites after that Myspace is second most popular networking site.

Twitter is the second best. My Space lacks quality compared to Facebook.

According to me it is twitter. It made big changes in sales increases.

Obviously Twitter and Linkedin is second most important social networking sites after facebook.

there are so many social sites based on the country and the people who they target.but we have to look all over the world ..sure the first is Facebook and follows
2.Twitter 3.Myspace 4.linked in.!

Hands down, Twitter. It shouldn't even be a question.

In my seance, Twitter and My space are the top social networking site after facebook.

There are numerous Social Networking sites but according to me-Twitter is the best Social networking site after Facebook.It has a large network and is used widely throughout.

tagged? anyone ?

Twitter is next to facebook after that you got linkedin.

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