first when you start the social networking there are some conditions on which you can get the traffic the profile you make on the sitet that is attractice and a very friendly behaviour with the friends and update the ne posts every day

If you want to get new people for social networking site , Start any game or contast on the exesting social site and then you can redirect for the registration on your own social site . any tricky idea .

whats the name of your socil network. tell the guys at the technology blogs about your social network and give us a link

Placing links to your site will help.
What you should consider: a lot of time to invest in the site and a big budget for promoting it.
You should also know: you might get nothing out if as there are tons of sites like this.

If you want to grab traffic on your website firstly do some promotions of your website on other social networking sites and mention the reasons what special thing you are providing which are provided by anyone else still. And ask your friends and their friends to join your site and start communicating. You can use PPC and email marketing too.

Sounds good about for your new site. Best wishes.

whats your social networking sites url share with us

making a social networking sites popular was a easy job before 4, to 5 years but now it little difficult becosue competision is too high
you need to make some thing different something extra

i am a software developer, i developed a social network with unique features with an attractive GUI. i need individuals and organisations to invest on this software application. I belive that it can compete with fb and deliver healthy returns like fb. for enquaries you can reach me on

you should allow users from fb to join your site. mean create a plugin to use their fb profile or something like this to cfrate new account and you can also use googleplus and twitter for this.......

It's better to spend some money and promote your new networking site with google PPC.

Send them mass-email to join and spread. Put promos and contests.

Promote it properly you will definitely get the best feed back.

You can create a good facebook profile for your site, and then purchase some real facebook likes on, those facebook likes will convert to real organic traffic to your website, provided you post good updates with the link to your website on your facebook page.

Can't really add anything more than Dani did. You need to come up with a 'unique selling point', otherwise it's gonna be pretty difficult to get your network off the ground. Other than that .. promote heavily, make sure it's active, so that new people join the 'fun' etc.

Look at ListingDock for SEO promotions. It`s wery cheap and powerful!

Totally agree with Dani that you should give reason to your users that why should they join you. After that try to update ut regularly with good and attarctive information.

Yes, I can relate to everyones suggestions on here about getting a new social networking site off of the ground. Like previously stated, developing a hook or niche to convince peole to leave the comfort zone of their existing sites can prove to be futile. However, I did like the one comment that suggested acting like you are already big even if you aren't. I have created a new social networking site myself and am pusing for professionals to join in. I want to become the next LinkedIN but without having to have my users pay to see who has viewed their profile beyond the limits they already provide. Of course I am using my Facebook page and asking friends for help as well. You can visit The Community to get an overall look and feel of what we have going on.

If you are really interested in making use of the social networking programming. Advertise with facebook and google+ for more engagement.

Go through your friends profile and give request or ask survey, these helps in getting more people in social networks and follow the suggestions also.

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