aspuser27 0 Newbie Poster

in my first form i have a drop down menu.on selecting a choice from it i open the the popup i display the all types of products avaible in the selected category. he can enter the quantity he wants. now i have some 10 choices in the drop down menu. user can select any product and enter the quantity he wants. ultimately what i want is that when he enters the quantity for product1, product5 or product7 in the popup asp page, i want to display that in the main parent can i dispaly that. i dont need to display in textbox or whatever. but i just it to display below the drop down. how can this be possible

here is the code below in the parent form:
<select onchange="openForm(this);" size="1" name="listData">
<option value="">Select a product type</option>
<option value ="1">Product1</option>
<option value ="2">Product2</option>

and my function is:
function openForm(select) {
var itm=select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
var popup;"http://localhost/proj/formb.asp?itm="+itm,"form2","toolbar=0,width=300,location=0,status=0,menubar=0");

if (popup) {
if (popup.opener != self) { popup.opener = self; }
} else {
alert("This popup got stopped.");

my formb.asp==>
<!-- #include file="conn.config" -->
function submitForm() {
opener.f.T1.value = "item1";
// close this window

tmpNumber = 0
set rs = db.execute("Select name from tProduct where productID= '" & prodID & "' ")

do while not rs.eof %>
<tr><td><% Response.Write rs("name") %>: </td>
<td><input type="text" name="T" & tmpNumber size="20">
tmpNumber = tmpNumber +1

<font size="1"><a onClick="submitForm();"><img src="images/submit_btn.gif" border=0></a>
<% set rs = nothing
i hope i make myself clear because i dont have any area allocated per se in the 1st form. how do i know how many product-tyeps he selected ...if say is choices are:
product product type quantity
Camera handycam 1
Desktop win XP 2

and i have 10 product the popup will change based on the product he selects ... how to trap all the values and display

pls suggest.

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