Hello! New to the site today....
Hoping to get some help.
I have designed a site at work which has a form for staff to send suggestions, and it auto emails a number of people using CDONTS on an ASP page.
Its a very basic 'Name', 'Dept', 'Suggestion' form... however the format of the resulting email is very boring plain text and I want to use some HTML to make it look a bit more formalised, although I have no idea where to place any html formatting within the existing code to manipulate the look of the email.
my code is:
name = replace(name, chr(34), "")
name = replace(name, chr(39), "")
dept = replace(dept, chr(34), "")
dept = replace(dept, chr(39), "")
query = replace(query, chr(34), "")
query = replace(query, chr(39), "")
Set objSendMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NEWMAIL")
objSendMail.Subject = "Bright Sparks Suggestion"
objSendMail.From = "email address"
objSendMail.To = "another email address"
ObjSendMail.Body = request("name") & VBCrLf & request("dept") & VBCrLf & request("query")
set rs = nothing
Response.Redirect "thanks.html"
Now I assume I have to put something within the ObjSendMail.Body section but cannot get anything to work at all.
Can anyone get me started please?
thanks in advance