Google says hello and waves goodbye

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It has been a day of coming and going at Google, it seems. Saying hello, again, was Gmail in the UK while Google Docs offline access through Google Gears has waved goodbye.

You might think that Gmail had never left the UK, but the truth is that apart from a few thousand of us who got our webmail accounts running early enough UK users have been stuck with the longer domain. This came about following a legal dispute over usage of which meant that from October 19, 2005 all new users had to have addresses only. One has to assume that Google has reached a settlement with Independent International Investment Research which claimed the Gmail trademark previously, and which Google referred to as being exorbitant back in 2005.

Google software engineer Greg Bullock [URL=""]said in a statement[/URL] "if you already have a Google email account in the UK, you'll soon have the option to switch your existing address to the matching one, but you're also free to stick with And starting later this week, anybody who signs up for a new account in the UK will get an address. Since "gmail" is 50% fewer characters than "googlemail," we estimate this name change will save approximately 60 million keystrokes a day. At about 217 microjoules per keystroke, that's about the energy of 20 bonbons saved every day!"

Meanwhile, as of today Google has suspended Google Docs offline access through Google Gears. "We know this is an important feature for some of you, and we're working hard to bring a new and improved option for offline access" [URL=""]Google says[/URL], but does not say what or when. All we know is that Google is [URL=""]apparently developing an HTML5 powered replacement[/URL], is of little comfort to those users who can no longer access their documents and spreadsheets offline.

happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

Aha. According to a press release issued on behalf of Independent International Investment Research way back on the 1st September 2008, can you believe, Google paid the grand sum of £226,324 in settlement for the right to use the Gmail name in the UK.

It's taken Google long enough to get around to actually making it available for users though, hasn't it?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

You might think that Gmail had never left the UK, but the truth is that apart from a few thousand of us who got our webmail accounts running early enough UK users have been stuck with the longer domain.

Few years back when I was changing jobs and find myself receiving emails from jobs I applied to.

The first time when I saw this, the first thing pop up in my mind is this email legit?

I end up not replying back for an interviews because I never heard or saw this

I really wish Google gave gmail rather googlemail to the world.

Because of that I missed a few interviews.

<M/> 170 Why so serious? Featured Poster

I really wish Google gave gmail rather googlemail to the world.

Same here but at least they give you the option to switch...

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Same here but at least they give you the option to switch...

What option? Gmail has always been the same for the US.

It's just England and other countries is using googlemail.

I miss a few job interviews a few years back.

Google should paid me the grand sum of £226,324.

Then I should be very happy.

<M/> 170 Why so serious? Featured Poster

Google should paid me the grand sum of £226,324.

Why not give that to everyone then, it would pay for the university fees for me ;)

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Why not give that to everyone then, it would pay for the university fees for me ;)

You should work or do internship at Google since the head quarter is in Cali.

Ask them to send me a check of £226,324 ($341,546)

<MICHAEL> that will defintely pay all your tuition.

You can even get selected as a Rhode Scholar.

<M/> 170 Why so serious? Featured Poster

I dont think they would take me as an intern, i dont know enough programming to be at google level.

Dont you also live in California?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Dont you also live in California?

15 years ago I was at San diego for 9 months and head back to the East Coast.

While I was at SD I took a Charile and went down to Tijuana for a few days. It was OK.

I would never go back to the West Coast.

<M/> 170 Why so serious? Featured Poster

I would never go back to the West Coast.

Why not? The west coast is like the home to all the great businesses :) and to some of the best real estate and weather.

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