Can HD VMD do what HD DVD couldn't and take on Blu-Ray?

happygeek 0 Tallied Votes 120 Views Share

The New York Times ran an interesting story yesterday with the title of Another DVD Format, but This One Says It's Cheaper. Essentially, a London based company has come up with an alternative to Blu-Ray just when you thought that particularly bloody consumer battle had been laid to rest. The HD VMD, or Versatile Multilayer Disc, promises to be just as good as Blu-Ray on image quality but a lot more pleasant on your wallet. Forgive me for saying so, but wasn't that what HD DVD promised and failed to succeed in the marketplace with the backing of Toshiba? I fail to see how a small UK outfit can do better, to be honest.

scru 909 Posting Virtuoso Featured Poster

No, I don't forgive your premature judgments...

MidiMagic 579 Nearly a Senior Poster

We need a single standard that never changes, not a hodge-podge of pseudo-standards that keep changing.

jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

the wiki page also mentions

Icon Productions, Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures,

thses are big names.

happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

Oh go on Scru, please forgive me :)

Seriously though, do you reckon a small outfit is going to break Blu-Ray and succeed in the consumer marketplace where Toshiba and HD DVD failed?

scru 909 Posting Virtuoso Featured Poster

Yes, if it is in fact, considerably cheaper and maintains a similar quality to BluRay discs. In the free market, the cheaper, same-quality product wins.

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