Download Dads have musical midlife crisis

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With Father's Day here in the UK fast approaching (hint for my own kids: it's on Sunday!) research published today by the world's 2nd largest digital music store, eMusic, suggests that nearly half of us lie about the music we have on our iPod. It seems that us Dads are caving in to the cultural pressure to stay young and keep up with the kids as far as new musical trends and genres are concerned, yet to do so 46 percent are living a lie with regard to what they listen to and what they know.

The eMusic survey argues that 'Festival Fathers' are trying too hard to appear cool and as a result end up trying desperately to impress friends and family with their familiarity regarding new music by lying about recent MP3 downloads. Some 35 percent of dads said that it was more difficult to keep up with new music after embracing fatherhood, and for those aged between 30 and 34 the pressure to listen and download is greatest with 51 percent admitting to a musical fib or three. London Dads are the most dishonest it would appear, two thirds have told a mistruth, while older Dads in the East of England are the most honest - only 29 percent have fibbed about the tracks on their playlists.

Let's be straight about this, not all Download Dads are experiencing the musical midlife crisis. In fact 47 percent download new music every month, with 21 percent of 34 to 39 year olds doing so more than once per week. The truth about accepting cool new musical trends is hammered home when you dig into the report and discover that what most Dads are actually downloading is music by bands such as The Beatles and Rolling Stones, hardly at the cutting edge of contemporary musical culture it has to be said. In Wales things are even worse, with Dads admitting to downloading Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac more than any other. Crikey, am I really the only ageing punk papa who is into Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine and Papa Roach?

"It's great that the internet has made music so accessible and even helps busy dads find the music they enjoy. Digital music sites make it easy for everyone to experience and rediscover great music - so there's no need for dads to fib about their music collection anymore!" said Madeleine Milne, European Managing Director, eMusic.

Harlem6 0 Newbie Poster

I too try to shy away from downloading music. There are plenty of online radio stations and subscriptions you can buy that pay artists. I like buying cd's because I want to support the artists I like, that way they keep making good music. Do not get me wrong though, I used to download songs like it was going out of style, but after awhile, I used Pandora and I stopped downloading and started buying.

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