eaglescamp 0 Newbie Poster

I recently had a start up problem with my Dell XPS 410 which I purchased in March 2007 and has a 250 GB Samsung SP2504C hard drive. I have partitioned the drive so my data is on one partion and the software on the primary partition. Fact is I started my machine one day and no program including the PC Cillin antivirus will work. I decided to restart it and then it failed to start.

I went to the advanced boot options by pressing F8 at start up time and choose "last known good configuration" this too did not work so I decided to repair with the installation CD, this too failed and so I decided to reinstall the operating system. This too failed so next time I went to the prompt from the inside the set up process and issued the fomat c: command. This worked all the way till it asked me to key in a label for the drive. After I did that, it reported "Format failed" I repeated this several times but to no avail.

In the bios, I realised that the systems recognises the SAMSUNG hard drive but reports that there is no SATA hard drive present.
I run windows Vista.

Now I used the DISKPART.EXE utitlity to clean out the whole disk and that came out successful and then in the same utility I formatted the whole disk which too was successfull. However, when I returned to the CMD prompt after restartin gthe machine to install a OS (VISTA) it starting at the stage where it is copying files and returns with the following mesage " Windows could not reinitiliaze the deployment engine". I then went back to the prompt to format the disk it finished and ask me to key in a label for the volume which I did. it started with building the file system structures and then reported that format failed.

I am wondering what to do to be able to bring the system back.

Any help? Suggestions?

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