ganga_ganga 0 Newbie Poster

friends, i came back with another problem and plz help me..

i brought one hitachi 80GB SATA HDD some one month back.. installed it two
weeks back... now i have two hdds one sata and one ordinary.. i have the os
winxpSP2 in both the hard disks.. i was worked with both the hard disks and
was able to boot from both the HDDs...
i didnt touch my computer for one week.. after one week i turned on the
comp and choose to boot from my old ordinary hdd... it shows the windows
splash screen ... thats all.. nothing more.. then the screen became
blank... after five or six minutes chkdsk started. no improvements.. waited
for 20 minutes.. nothing happend..

then i restarted and boot from my new SATA hdd.. same thing..
again i restarted after detach the SATA HDD and boot from my ordinary HDD..
yes.. it is working.. no problem at all...
while connecting SATA HDD the problem occures...

please help me friends.. some important documents are there in my sata
disk.. plz help...