pauliwood 0 Newbie Poster

Recently purchased a new Dell. Bought a Samsung MP3 Player which came with a 6 month trial of Rhapsody. Installed the driver for the Samsung, then installed the Rhapsody software from Rhapsody's website. Plugged in my MP3 to charge (charges by USB only).

Opend up and browsed through Rhapsody. Later that day, when my MP3 was charged, I turned it on, Rhapsody saw the device and configured to it. When I went to transfer/synch songs to the device, and my PC blue screened.

When I unplug the MP3 player, I can use Rhapsody just fine. I can also transfer songs to the MP3 player using the Samsung Media Center and Windows Media Player.

Is this a USB/Driver conflict?

Here are my system specs:

PC - Dell
OS – Windows Vista Home Premium
Processor – Intel Dual Core 2.13 GHz
RAM – 4 Gigs
HD Space – 3.5 Gigs
Graphics Card – Nvidia GeForce 7300 LE

Software Product: Rhapsody 4.0
Hardware Product: Samsung YP-K3 MP3 Player

Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance!!

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