10 Linux-based Gadgets Just in Time for Christmas

khess 0 Tallied Votes 753 Views Share

If you haven't bought that special geek in your life something electronic yet for Christmas, here are 10 ideas for you. They're all Linux-based and are sure to bring a smile to any geek's face. They are in no particular order.

1. Asus Eee PC - The new Eee PC 1000 boasts long battery life (6+ hours), a large keyboard, screen, 1 GB RAM, 40 GB SSD (Hard Drive) and 20GB of Eee Storage. Under $650USD.

2. Chumby - I don't exactly know what it is about this thing that makes me want one so badly--but I do. At $179USD, it isn't cheap but it's cool. A Chumby is a soft, Internet gadget thing that is an always-on Internet news reader, photo album, music player, weather, social networking, messaging thingy. Go take a look. You'll want one too.

3. MusicPal - A wireless Internet radio from FreeCom. Not only can you listen any one of thousands of radio broadcasts but also your own music and get live RSS feeds. It's almost a Chumby without the screen. 129EUR, if you can find one.

4. LimeBook - Beijing, China-based LimePC, the company, makes several different products but the LimeBook is the coolest among them although the LimeMobile comes in a close second. The LimeBook is a small format laptop much like the Eee PC but it is extremely energy efficient and can even run on AA batteries. Less than 2lbs (920g) and very cool. Order directly from LimePC.

5. Mobile Phones - Various vendors have Linux-based phones that are actually more similar to mini-computers than they are to phones. Some available models are: MotoRokr EM35, Motorola Ming A1600, and the very cool OpenMoko FreeRunner. Some of these fancy phones run as high as $400USD.

6. Amazon Kindle - The Kindle, an ebook reader, is one hot little item this year. At almost $400USD, they aren't too hard to find but I suggest you see one in person and work with it before you buy. You should probably also read my post on the Kindle.

7. MVIX MX-760HD - MVIX manufactures several products but the geek glue in their fray is definitely the MX-760HD - a high-definition wireless media center. You can have one for about $279USD.

8. Garmin Nuvi880 - Garmin offers several devices that run Linux but the 880 seems to be one of the more popular models. You can find addresses by simply speaking to the device. It isn't a standard GPS device and you can't geocache with it but if you need to get somewhere easily, this is your gadget. You'll spend about $800USD to get one.

9. Nokia N810 - This phone, Internet browser, messaging gadget, navigation device, mp3 jukebox is cool and you need one. It comes in at $438USD and is well worth it. Nokia offers a voice-controlled upgrade for the device's navigation feature.

10. TiVo - I salivate every time I see a TiVo at a store, in someone's house, online, or in a catalog--I want one. The only reason I don't have one yet is because my wife says I'll just sit around watching TV all evening long and not pay any attention to her. I still want one. You can purchase your own spousal isolation unit, um, TiVo for less than $100USD.

This never works but I'll try one last time this year. I'd love to have anyone or all of these gadgets for my very own so if you're feeling generous...

You'll never look at gadgets the same again and remember to ask if it has Linux inside. Happy Christmas shopping!

Techwriter10 42 Practically a Posting Shark

Hi Ken:
Great list. By the way, you can get an Eee for a lot less than $675. You can get one back a couple of revs for half that and a decent one for $400. As for TiVo I highly recommend it. I love it and wonder how I ever lived without it.

peter_budo 2,532 Code tags enforcer Team Colleague Featured Poster

Links for Motorola products leads to UK site which doesn't hold any info on the two devices. By google search I found the EM35, but there is nothing special about it, yeah it does look flashy but that is all, I can guaranty you will hate that flat keyboard as this provide very little feedback on what ever you do.
Also I would be interested if you can point me directly to sources where you found that Motorola phones and that Nokia N810 are *nix based

khess 95 Practically a Master Poster

www.motorola.com doesn't lead to the UK anything. They aren't Unix-based, they are Linux based. You'd have to look at the specs for the units to see the OS, sometimes it will say OS 2008, GNU Linux, LimeOS, etc.

khess 95 Practically a Master Poster

Actually what happens is that when you go to motorola.com, you're sent to the site that corresponds with where you are...on mine it goes to motorola.com/us and yours goes to the UK site.

peter_budo 2,532 Code tags enforcer Team Colleague Featured Poster

Finally found EM35 http://www.motorola.com/motoinfo/product/details.jsp?globalObjectId=275
and Ming A1600 http://www.motorola.com/motoinfo/product/details.jsp?globalObjectId=243 (phone is only dual language Chinese/English and number of people who got it complain about English lang. does not work properly)
Nokia N810 full specs http://www.nokia.co.uk/find-products/all-phones/nokia-n810/specifications

@khess, links directly to products, not a general website, does matters. Also I wonder why Motorola products are higher then Nokia and why HTC G1 phone is not included? ( I guess why, it does not look so flashy...)

Aquabum 0 Newbie Poster

Great News! MvixUSA has just launched a new unit called the MX-780DVI unit. It's a newer version of the MX-760HD. MSRP $219.00


khess 95 Practically a Master Poster

I don't like to link directly to products because those links may change. I think it's better to link directly to the company site and allow the reader to search for themselves.

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