Looking for Linux: InterOp Las Vegas

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This week I'll be at InterOp Las Vegas looking for the latest and coolest Linux-based technologies that InterOp exhibitors have to offer. My favorites are certainly the "new innovators." New innovators are small companies who've developed their own products and are trying to get noticed in the high-tech space. These are the best and most enjoyable people to talk to at such shows.

You'll benefit from the trip indirectly through this blog since I'll be reporting on who and what I find there.

What I'm looking for specifically are companies whose founders are:

1. - Dedicated to the Open Source Model.

2. - Using Linux in creative ways.

3. - Actively developing products that make your life easier and using Open Source software to do it.

Sounds pretty simple, right?

While there, I'll be walking around doing one-on-one interviews with these people at the show. If you have questions, look at the list of exhibitors, us the comments section below and I'll ask your questions and post the answers here. Please also look at the speaker list to see if there are any interviews you'd be interested in while I'm there.

As a side note, since I am an official member of the media, I'll be interviewed live on techweb for a "meet the press" show.

My main thrust is to gather info for blogging here, live reporting and to meet with the industry's top executives and rainmakers.

Interop drives the adoption of technology, providing knowledge and insight to help IT and corporate decision-makers achieve business success. Part of TechWeb's family of global brands, Interop is the leading business technology event series. Through in-depth educational programs, workshops, real-world demonstrations and live technology implementations in its unique Interop Net program, Interop provides the forum for the most powerful innovations and solutions the industry has to offer. For more information about these events visit www.interop.com.

I'm also doing live broadcasts and interviews at the show. Go to The Frugal Friday Show site to get times and subjects.

Write back and let me know what you'd like to hear about from the show in the form of interviews, products and new innovations. Hurry, since I'm only there on Tuesday May 19 and Wednesday May 20!

Grant_3 0 Newbie Poster

Are you going to Interop 2014? What exhibitors bring linux/open source products to Interop?

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