scoobymad555 0 Newbie Poster

hi peeps,

dunno if this is the right place to post this but .....

I've got a customer site with a lan built of traditional fixed wiring (cat5) and wireless (buffallo technology) who's embarking on a mission to install a load of microsoft school software. There's one key program called Class Server that apparently has a number of functions (I don't know much about it as the info i dug up on the microsoft site seems to be somewhat limited and I havn't been in the "microsoft world" for a while now so i'm not too sure where to go hunting for more!) but seems to run exceptionally poorly over the wireless part of the network. It was me that oversaw the physical installation of the wireless access points and subsequently me that configured them and the respective client laptops so I know that part of it is done correctly and is functioning and performing as it should do (its a 54g network incidently).

I guess i'm trying to find any information (or rumours!) regarding its networking requirements, general network performance and more specifically its expected performance across a wireless network. The inquiring mind that I have is also a little intrigued as to how it works behind the scenes when it comes to the network communication department aswell - viglen ran a similar product a while ago which was based on multicasting and somewhat predictably, didn't play nicely with wireless networks! lol!

If this is the wrong place to have posted this then i'm sorry peeps! Any help regarding this or alternatively a point in the right direction to the right place would be greatly appreciated! :)


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