algoritmish -6 Newbie Poster

I tried to install today Windows XP on a computer... the usual stuff: I booted from the Windows XP cd, partitioned the hdd,... blah blah. Everything went fine untill the setup process had to reboot the computer. When it restarted I got this error message "Error loading operating system" (I should say that it never happened to me before). I tried the same scheme again... suprise: "Missing operating system" was the error this time.
Obviously I was dealing with some new s**t :evil: . I started to look around for stuff "out ouf the ordinary" (meaning things I never dealt with before). Another suprise was waiting for me: the mainboard was a KT600 based one, with VT8237 south bridge. I looked in the manual an there it was: the SATA controller integrated on the VT8237 south bridge. I thought that by loading the drivers for the SATA controller at install time (by pressing F6 at the "right moment") I would solve this issue. One thing is clear now: missfortune was all around today; there was no floppy disk in the mainboard's box with the much needed drivers. I turned to the web to find suitable drivers. Fortunately there is VIA with a well documented site and plenty of usefull downloads, beacause on the mainboard manufacturer's web site there was nothing about this problem:cry: . I copied the archive and now I'm waiting to get home (I'm at work) and try this stuff...
I just wanted to ask around and see if anyone else had this problem or is it just me and my "evil aura".
Thanks in advanced for any reply!

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