tiger86 16 Posting Pro

MySpace; the well known Social Network has created MySpace 2.0. MySpace lets users to have their own profiles. On these profiles Users have their friends listed, comments from friends, and you can design your own layout.

MySpace 2.0 won’t let you hide from the world!
MySpace 2.0 layouts no longer lets you block your page from everyone on MySpace; instead they have made it so you can customize your privacy by each category; letting you decide what you want the world to be able to view on your page.

MySpace profiles are now w3c compliant

MySpace has now become totally w3c compliant. If you don’t know what w3c stands for; it is an acronym for the World Wide Web Consortium; which is in charge of Web Design languages.
Being W3C Compliant is very important; now MySpace layouts 2.0 are w3c compliant making people who make the layouts have to learn some new codes (if they don't alredy know them. I hope the pages will be W3C Compliant for HTML 5.0 and CSS2 which are currently in rough drafts.

My source is from the official MySpace blogs from Tom.

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