99 Posted Topics
Re: Well, I wish you a very good luck Davey.. Verily, whoever gives a hand to people, will be given a helping hand when he faces trials of life. And wish you a very good luck in administration, Narue. | |
Re: Why don't you search the internet using some search engine and tell us later about what you find? | |
Re: I guess you've opened this code using Notepad or some other plain text editor.. You might be able to view it properly using a proper code editor. | |
Re: Why don't you submit your form to your own website first where you can automatically pass the values to another server? | |
Re: You can view the error message by typing the following: [CODE] $entries = mysql_query("SELECT timestamp,name,email,message FROM entries ORDER BY timestamp DESC") or die(mysql_error());[/CODE] This will show you the reason why you are facing such an error message. It might be because you have mistyped the name of some [B]field[/B] or … | |
[B]Hello everybody. I've been, for a long time, away from this website. However, when I came back I found under my profile name that there is a phrase that says: [COLOR="Green"]Unverified User[/COLOR]. How can I fix this problem and verify my membership? Thanks in advance.[/B] | |
Re: Simply you need to correct the line 5. You have to type the following instead: [CODE] doc.innerHTML = typewhat; [/CODE] Just capitalize the letter "L" in innerHTML. | |
Re: I think that you can make it simpler by using the validation through Java Script. You can assign a function to the submit button. Don't set the button type as a "submit" button. For example: HTML: [CODE] <form name="Form1"> <input type="text" name="F1"> <input type="button" onclick="Validate();" value="Submit"> </form>[/CODE] Java Script: [CODE] … | |
Re: Try the following in the express.php file: [CODE] <?php require("DBConnect.php"); //The file in which there is a variable that handles the connection to the database $project_id = $_GET['project_id']; $GetProjectName = mysql_query("select project_name from tableName where project_id='$project_id'",$connection); //Where (tableName) is the name of the table required for the operation $project_id_Arr = … | |
Re: I don't know whether you can find such a library. However, I think you can find some dictionaries that are written textually so that you can copy their content. I mean you can build a simple program to organize the content you want to copy in order to put that … | |
[B]Hello everybody. I've been working on a PHP file that adds a value to a cell in one table in MySQL.[/B] First I thought that the following code might work properly: [CODE] <?php require("DB_Connector.php"); //The file that connects to the MySQL database required mysql_query("update tableName set cellName= cellName + '$The_New_Value' … | |
Peace, Can you help me with Show And Hide?: I made an Input text I want to hide it, And I want to show it if I click on a button. How can I do it? Thanks. | |
Re: I think that installing Windows systems is too easy, It's really easy! :) | |
Hi there... What is the best (3D Games Programming & Design) Program? | |
Hello everybody, I've written a program which contains AJAX... The program is a messenger... The code was: [CODE]var http = createRequestObject(); function createRequestObject(){ var request_; var browser = navigator.appName; if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ request_ = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else{ request_ = new XMLHttpRequest(); } return request_; } function getInfo(){ … | |
Hello everybody, I wrote a file using AJAX this is the code I wrote: File.js [CODE]var http = createRequestObject(); function createRequestObject(){ var request_; var browser = navigator.appName; if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ request_ = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else{ request_ = new XMLHttpRequest(); } return request_; } function getInfo(){ http.open('get', 'GtCht.php'); … | |
Hi everybody, I have a question: :-/ I want to submit a form in an HTML page by pressing Enter and it does not submit if I press Ctrl+Enter | |
Hi, I tried this code: [ICODE]<?php session_start(); $id=$_GET['fileid']; if($id=="1") { $dwnld = "File1.zip"; } else if($id=="2") { $dwnld = "File2.zip"; } else if($id=="3") { $dwnld= "File3.zip"; } if($id) { header("Content-type: application/download"); header("Content-disposition: filename=$dwnld"); readfile($dwnld); } ?>[/ICODE] I want the user to download those files from a folder named Archives... Example: … | |
Hello everybody, I want to write an email to some one by php function... I mean Mail(....) What may I write in the headers to send this message safety to another one... I mean by using the ([COLOR="red"]Cc[/COLOR]) Or ([COLOR="red"]BCc[/COLOR]). So that is a querstion.... I have another question: Can … | |
Re: Sorry [B]Xavier1234[/B] ... Please explain more than that :-/ , Do you mean you want a registeration page? | |
Re: Check the letters case... it is necessary in PHP. localhost not local host :D hope that helps | |
[COLOR=red]Hello everybody;[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]I want to color a text gradually by PHP[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Explain: I want to color each letter with a color, like:[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Hello: H=green e=red l=blue (And repeat) l=green o=red[/COLOR] | |
Hi guys, I wrote: [CODE] <?php $WACnt=33; while($WACnt>=0) { require("Wordsarray.php"); $enn=preg_replace("/".$normal[$WACnt]."/i",$tidied[$WACnt],$enn); $WACnt--; } ?> [/CODE] The browser said: [B][QUOTE][B]Warning[/B]: Unknown modifier 'g' in [B]e:\appserv\www\chat\chat\Rooms_Func.php[/B] on line [B]223[/B] [B]Warning[/B]: Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 0 in [B]e:\appserv\www\chat\chat\Rooms_Func.php[/B] on line [B]223[/B] [B]Warning[/B]: Unknown modifier 'b' in [B]e:\appserv\www\chat\chat\Rooms_Func.php[/B] on line [B]223[/B] … | |
Peace, I tried to replace a string with a string: [CODE] <?php $Msg=$_POST['Msg']; $arrA=array(' ' ,'-red' ,'-blue' ,'-green' ); $arrB=array('</font>','<font color=red>','<font color=blue>','<font color=green>'); $Msg_B=str_replace($arrA,$arrB,$Msg); echo $Msg_B; ?> [/CODE] It works well, but if someone typed "-rEdasddsadasda cccc" not "-redasddsadasda cccc" or "-REDasddsadasda cccc" or anything like that how will my … | |
Peace, I wrote a PHP File Contains a login form, If the user logs in a field will be inserted into the MySQL DataBase, So I want to make an automatic logout after 20 minutes idle. I wrote: [CODE] <?php session_start(); require("Connecting_Config.php"); $unm=$_SESSION['user_name']; $current_date=date("i"); //Only Minutes $gt_lastactivity="select * from logs … ![]() | |
Peace, I made a mail form and I want to enable The HTML in the Mail Message, How can I do it?... I wrote in the headers: $headers='From:Management<[EMAIL="info@3malas.com>'"]info@3malas.com>'[/EMAIL]; | |
I saw a chat prog on the Internet The web page shows the messages quickly without reloading the web-page... Can anybody do that or teach me how to do that? | |
Peace, I saw a chat Program on the Net... The Messages In it automatically shows itselves without reloading the web-page.. I saw that and I wondered.... Does Any one know how to do that? | |
Peace, How can I get the visitor Telephone number? Or a special number each visitor has a different one, But I'm not talking about the IP, Isn't there any other way? | |
Re: [QUOTE]try using session_start() [/QUOTE] You should put session_start() In each page in the first, and write a variable contains the session... EX: [B][COLOR=green]session_start();[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]$_SESSION['user']="NAME";[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]$Variable=$_SESSION['user'];[/COLOR][/B] It's Easy |
The End.