You are asking for a form post variable $_REQUEST nothing to do with a column in the static_page.
You are asking for a form post variable $_REQUEST nothing to do with a column in the static_page.
Anyone know the difference between the two or the pros and cons? Thanks.
That what I have been testing with using "$_SERVER" there must be more of a efficient way? Thanks for the edited function.
You can extrapolate from the function posted here:
I tried that function previously print_r( getRealPOST() ); but returns an empty array?
Explains why those periods are converted to underscores.
Through the comments there are also other characters that are mentioned that appear to be converted as well.
Thanks was useful, how to counter the restrictions being converted to a _?
I am trying to see the restrictions of $_GET global variable and when I use the URL localhost/test/test.php?abc.def I am getting the variable abc_def in the global variable $_GET, any ideas? Any other restrictions?
Yes it is I forgot to turn it on my test server :D Ha Ha
The closest I have come across from your examples was:
Example #5:
The following will rewrite the URL to when visitors browse to
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+).html$ /directory/newpage.html [R,NC,L]
I am still not understanding the logic between conditional statements and output. ^$ start and end the string, [a-z] alpha characters, + multiple characters, .html the extension, then what is directory/newpage.html signify?
im looking something close to that but not a specific page just general 'hidden' folder for every page.
Off to reread the apache module :(
That was the first idea I had but im yet to attempt as I would like to gather a 'source' of ideas and see which is best.
I am assuming if changing the root is possible would be the best attempt as the 'server' can still access the files where as human counter parts cannot! So its a win win situation to me, only thing is if it is do able on my domain as there are multiple I have been informed :( Keep the ideas coming guys, much appreciated. Thanks.
Hi People
The Problem: >
I want to change permently so you never see the folder named "2".
I thought this would be possible through the htaccess file or web hosting server?
So using mod_rewrite or changing the host directory of your server to www/2/ instead of www/?
Thanks, Regards X
PS: Question: modrewrite, etc only maniuplates the URL it does not actually change values of .php, variables and root directories?
Also when I use your code my server spits out the error "Internal Server Error" any ideas why? I gather something to do with the php.ini file?
Note: The Error is "Internal Server Error"
My htaccess file was spewing out errors when I used the code.
Any ideas? possible php.ini declerations? Thanks.
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php
Thanks hemgoyal_1990, ill get to that asap.
Also I would like to change to So i would just use the -d in conjuction with the orginal code so I would get ?
Thanks for your help, Regards X
Thanks but I have already gone through the apache manuals but it was very overwhelming at first and still could not reference what I required. I was hoping for a simple example inparticular the modrewrite for the folder but even something similar so I can gather a better understanding of the modrewrite function and then utilize it to my own requirements.
Hi People
I have a url, .
Now I would like to remove the middle man aka folder from ever being seen so the url changes to, .
I have done some research and mod_rewrite looks to be the go in the htaccess file. So can anyone give me some examples or point me in the right direction?
Thankyou, Regards X
I fixed it just finished using if css statements.
"It really all depends though, if you absolutely position an element in a parent that is already positioned relatively, it will be positioned absolutely to its parent and not the window."
If that is true then why is window different in FF vs. IE when both parent windows have specific width and height?
I used a div, ul and li tags.
Ill get back with more information but there should be work arounds with position: absolute; The code should not matter that much?
FF works perfectly (additional browsers also) but IE (the bain of microsoft) refuses to be the same. Any ideas or other techniques or position I can look at?
background-image: url(text.jpg); position: abosolute; left: 100px; top: 100px;
Same code different 100x100 :( Any Ideas?
Thanks, Regards X
Thanks cwarn,
(How do you do the link brackets?)
The following things are considered to be empty:
* "" (an empty string)
* 0 (0 as an integer)
* "0" (0 as a string)
* array() (an empty array)
* var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)
So I think using empty() instead of isset() is a better option?
Clearly states that "isset — Determine if a variable is set and is not NULL"?
I have been trying to use isset() to check values for NULL and it still appears yet when I use != NULL then it works. I think the fine line is in various instances but if anyone can confirm my conclusions:
1. $variable = "" > value SET
2. $variable = "a" > value SET
3. no definition > value NOT SET
4. $variable = 0 > value NOT SET
5. $variable = NULL > value NOT SET
any other examples?
Inparticular the 1. and 4. should be noted as I thought 1. would be NOT SET and 4. should be SET but it seems they are not through testing. Anyone confirm these as they dont seem logical to me?
Thanks, Regards X
PS: If anyone has anything else to add go ahead.
hemgoyal_1990 can you explain your code in more detail?
example what the -d and -f do?
also in the url what is shown? just /file or /file.php? possibly to remove it completly or just the .php?
if so thats how to remove the file totally and access the get variables as well, like previously stated?
Trying to learn mod_rewrite it a big big topic.
No im just using it as a reference in php and instead of being a "/" it is a "5%C".
Anyone because I have been doing it myself?
FOr example facebook is just a simple link to the specified url? then done.
Never simple in terms of ownership and process, the rest like this dig, etc?
"Now, if you only need Facebook and MySpace, you could make your own bar just to avoid the overkill of the whole application. "
Thats pretty much what i want for now
Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google, Linkedin and Dig
Maybe even less but that would most likely be the max plus I like to know how things work.
Is it just a link to the current facebook, etc page?
If I did make it just be a simple a href with a img tag being sent to some site?
Ya I looked at that site but how it all works?
Just copy and paste code and BANG all done?
Cant you do this yourself?
If there just links cant be that hard?
Hi People
I would like to know how exactly to setup the links you see below that are attached to the article so send to digg, facebook, etc. Also what is the offical term for these links? special links? special tags? ???
Thanks, Regards X
Hi Guys
I have been using the DIRECTORY SEPERATOR and from time to time i get a %5C instead of the appropriate / or \ now. Any ideas what is the problem?
Thanks, Regards X
So does anyone have any ideas or resources on how to generate sounds using php? Thanks.
Additional questions,
What if you used mod_rewrite to remove the whole filename?
If you did this what would have to $_GET variables?
Just wondering, Thanks!
This is your problem, when you insert a row.
$q = "INSERT INTO ep_images (event_ref, photo_thumb, heat_cat) VALUES ('1', '$files[$i]', 'test')";
'$files[$i]' // You are refering to the first character in your file name.
$_FILES["file"]["name"] [$i] // Start with $_FILES["file"]["name"] then work to a multi dimensional array maybe?
Hope that helps and let me know how you go :)