GeekByChoiCe 152 Practically a Master Poster Featured Poster

I guess Tuition is nothing. so Nothing.tostring will raise this kind of exception. I suggest to do
MsgBox(SQL) just before your Try block and see how your SQL Query looks like. eventually even take this string and execute it directly against the database to validate the result.

GeekByChoiCe 152 Practically a Master Poster Featured Poster

The problem lays in your BackgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged procedure.
You can NOT access controls (which were created in the main thread) from any other thread without using delegates.

Check out this thread =>

Same problem + solution.

GeekByChoiCe 152 Practically a Master Poster Featured Poster

no, didn't see a reason to do that.
Is it working now?

GeekByChoiCe 152 Practically a Master Poster Featured Poster


InstituteBaseDataSet.acceptchanges after your inserting

GeekByChoiCe 152 Practically a Master Poster Featured Poster

oi sry i just saw i missed something
it should be "for each ctrl as control in Form1.controls"

kvprajapati commented: No. It won't work. -2