108 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Tex_Tootell

right click on the .cpp file in the solution menu, then click remove from project or delete.

Member Avatar for Tex_Tootell
Member Avatar for branden1457

Dude, put your code inside the code tags. And also, you can check in here for the modified code, no one is going to e-mail it to you. That's just rude of you to ask that.

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Vcrossley

Here's the modified code [code] import java.io.*; public class Quiz { public static void main(String args[]) { int correctCounter; InputStreamReader reader; BufferedReader buffer; keyboard = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)); } String seekResponse; System.out.println("Welcome to Hoffman School .. ") { // choose the subject System.out.println("enter h for humanities, e for …

Member Avatar for Vcrossley
Member Avatar for snufse

[code] DataTable dt = dataGrid.Table["People"]; dt.Rows[4]["Colum 4"].Text = "BLAH!"; [/code] That is asuming you have a datagrid with a table named "People" and in that table you have a column named "Column 4". That would change the text in that particular cell. (Row 4, Column 4)

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for aperez

You need to add it to your system variables. It depends on what OS you're running as to how to do this. Or you could just type in the full path name like: C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaSDK\bin\javac.exe program.java C:\Program Files\Sun|JavaSDK\bin\java.exe program Of course, your's is probably different. But youshould get the idea.

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Hjays

rickste_r, Don't give out homework for free! They're never going to learn anything if you do it for them. There is nothing wrong with helping them, but DON'T do it for them! And also, use the code tags around your code please Thank you.

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for macca1979

A string tokenizer will separate that long string in an array of small strings. I.e. If you had the string "My@Name@Is@bobby@!" (that's not my name btw ;) ) and you set up a string tokenizer to deliminate by @ you'd end up with an array of 5 elements. "My","Name","is","bobby","!" Then …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for recinto

I would try not to use ToString() instead used: [code] dataTbl.Rows[grdResults.SelectedIndex]["Boolean"].Checked == true [/code] More broken down it looks like: [code] DataRow dr = dataTbl.Rows[grdResults.SelectedIndex]; bool yesNo = dr["boolean"].Checked; // this assumes that "boolean" is the name of the column if(yesNo) doStuff(); else doOtherSTuff(); [/code] Hope this helps, haven't tried …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Elektro

Make MasterMind. Or choose a simple board game like Othelo. That should get you thinking.

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Iron_Cross

Ok, this is an extremely stupid question, and I feel retarded for asking, considering how much I've been studying Java. But anyways, here goes. Let's pretend I've created three classes, Class A, Class B, and Class C. Now in A I create an instance of Class B, let's call it …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for eltel1982

It seems to me, you could use spaces as a tokenizer deliminator. Then just use substring searches to find out if a string containts : or stuff like that, then delete that character. Then it's just a mater of rebuilding the correct format which shouldn't be at all hard.

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Bob4life2000

This might work. Have a different class for each "type" of enemy. Each "type" of enemy can pull random weapons, items, etc. But then make an array of classes, and whenever you want to make a new enemy, pull a random number (with some sort of method) and use that …

Member Avatar for Bob4life2000
Member Avatar for antaeus

Couldn't you just do something like [code] if(artistName.equals("artistCD")){ //do something if it's true }else{ //do something if it's false } [/code] where artistName is a variable for the artists name, and artistCD is a variable for the artist's cd. If that's not what you're looking for then I'm confused as …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Mazon
Member Avatar for Da_fLaRe
Member Avatar for camelNotation

Why did you post this in the web dev forum? Ok, using IDE's is very nice. And I think every language has at least one. C++ has a ton. Visual C++ is a very nice one, that I like to use. C++ is a good language for games, I know …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Dani

Meh, flat or 3D, doesn't make a ton of difference to me :D I like em both, I'm currently using the 3D cause i'm too lazy to change it back :P but it's a nice option to have, thanks :D

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Iron_Cross

Anybody understand these? I'm having the hardest time with them. Partly because I don't see a use for them :P But what would be an example of a time when you would need to operate on a bit itself? As in, what is their purpose? Thanks for any help :)

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Iron_Cross

What is everyone's opinion on Mandrake (9.1 and 9.0 specifically)? I've heard opinions on nearly every other major distro but this one. How is mandrake from a newbie perspective? Thanks for any info :)

Member Avatar for Forse