f1 fan 16 Posting Whiz in Training

Be careful you dont write your vb6 code on the intranet as you will see big performance losses. You not only have to port it to a web based application but also to .net and asp.net (along with ajax, javascript etc.) all of which will help performance if you use best practices.

File size wont really be too much of an issue when it comes to an intranet application - data will be the bigger problem. Your choice of data objects (business objects, ado.net datasets, the new linq objects (well worth using if you have .net3) xml etc) will all play a vital role.

Without going into too much detail you can look at image sizes (give thumbnails or small images and a way to look at a large image if they want to). Image resolution is a biggie too. A screen is no better than 90dpi so dont have hi res images that are at 300 dpi for printing. Create different sizes of the same image for each place you use them. This will give the smaller file size then.

Data input validation should be done on the client, and then checked on the server, the rest of the logic should all be on the server.

Use Ajax where you can as this will give a more desktop look to your application and also allow you to do a lot more server round trips without page refreshes.

Use pages in …

Fungus1487 commented: a great help +1
f1 fan 16 Posting Whiz in Training

css css and more css!
your asp.net web sites should be split into 4 areas - the aspx page with just html (just what needs to be in the browser), the aspx.vb or cs code behind file with all the server processing, a folder full of css files (for presntation) and a folder full of script files (for javascript) if you use them.
Dont mix function with form (i.e dont put layout, colors and looks in the aspx/html page). This not only makes it easier to read and manage when you are developing but also easy to change things later.
As long as you organize everything correctly (personally i use divs) then you can place it where you like. And you can do some crazy things. Have a look at the home page on a site i built recently for a customer http://www.inspirationsbuyer.com which is all done using divs and css (with the odd javascript thrown in). Hardly anything is in a horizontal direction and took very little time to create.
CSS is VERY powerful when you know all the things you have to your advantage.
Also have a look at AJAX as this is a powerful tool and is free (the microsoft version is) and make sure you get the AJAX extensions and control toolkit ctp's. We are now building websites with the same rich ui as windows forms because of the power ajax gives us.
Both …

blacklocist commented: Great +1
f1 fan 16 Posting Whiz in Training

Can i ask why? Is the new program an enhancement of the old? Or is the new program using some features of the old? Either way i would make the old program a class library and then it (or parts of it) can be used by many other programs.
Dont be fooled by the fact that you have a UI in the program so it cant be a class library. Hardly any of my .exe files have any UI in them, they are mainly to hold the main controller (i strongly advise looking up the MVC pattern) which then calls various UI's and other libraries depending on the application, the client, the user etc. So much more flexible for now and the future.

f1 fan 16 Posting Whiz in Training

Your select command is wrong... you have where vaNAME like '%@vaNAME%' and ... where it should be where vaNAME like '%" + @vaNAME + "%' and ... Just as a matter of advice try to ALWAYS use stored procedures instead of writing sql queries in code. a few reasons - the main one is security i can bet money that you dont verify the text in the textbox is not sql commands and i would be in your database within 10 seconds (you wont believe the number of websites you can get into just from the login page - it is called SQL Injection and is usually number 1 on the hackers try list as it is so easy). What if i typed in the textbox something like this (pay attention to the ' ) in the textbox when you asked for my name... fred ' delete from master .... your whole sql server is wiped out now. took me less than 10 seconds. my simple ' in there closed your where clause (if you dont believe me go look at the sql statement with my text substituted for the variable) and allowed me to run my delete sql statement (yes you can have multiple sql statements one after the other, they dont have to finish before sending the next one)
So that is the main reason to use stored procs - you dont put in the ' round text so no sql injection can take place. The second …

red_evolve commented: Thank you very much for the valuable lesson :) +4