ChrisHunter 152 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

Main applications used for developing in C# and connecting databases are Visual studios (as nMaillet said) to write your C# apps and SQL server for your databases. I've only ever used 2005 onwards for both IDE's and prefer Visual studios 2010 version and 2008 version of SQL server.

If you know C++ then learning C# should be a breeze, theres a book called "Head First C#" that I purchased which is good but I didnt use much.

Good luck (you won't need it though).

ChrisHunter 152 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

True something as insensative as the parent being shot in front of their child is going a bit far but games such as that and even call of duty do come with age ratings (which might not be enforces by some shops) and the adults who say games might harm kis must know that the games are rated above the age of their child, unless a kid punches another while playing Wii tennis or pulls a hammy.

It's all a matter of choise and the gamers/ buyers discretion when it comes down to it.

ChrisHunter 152 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

parents should be cautious when let children play some games
because some may really do harm to your kids

I've never been punched in the face by a video game in over 15 years i've been playing.

Games can help with geography, i went to Venice and knew my way around without a map thanks to asassins creed and the main aim of the game is to stab people without being seen.

Someone has done a study in the UK too that says people who play computer games a lot can't tell the difference between reality and the games they play and look for the melee buttons and think they are charactors from the game. i think this is rubbish myself as there must be preexisting mental issues that are the main cause.

imAGamer i agree i go climbing to get my anger out and calmed down alot since i started climbing.