163 Posted Topics
I've recently posted a code snippet of a working 2D text menu for Windows Forms Applications. However, as I was going through and revising this snippet (trying to make it better and add functionality to it) I've created two new problems. The first problem is that my text is not … | |
XNA Game Studio is not required to use this functionality. This example is very basic, and I typed it up because I was bored. It does not contain functionality for navigation through the menu, but it will display the menu as it should at the specified location. Please enjoy it, … | |
I've been trying to better my lesser side of knowledge in the C# programming language by tackling graphics head on. I've learned a little bit, but I'm getting stumped right now because I can't explain 100% what's going on here. I've developed a Pong game to teach myself how to … | |
Haha, I'm trying to set up my applications to update online but can't find any FTP servers that are free. I did have one a while back that I was using for an email client I was developing but can't remember the name. If there is a way for me … | |
Re: Visual Studio (Express, Professional, Ultimate) 2010 #Develop Notepad++ Microsoft Word Wordpad Notepad Sticky Notes Any application with an open text field will work, you just have to find a compiler witch is why most people just use Visual Studio or #Develop. | |
Re: Specify your problem please? | |
Re: So he means no lol, Try using symbols that can be transfered into super and sub. Like for example: 2x^3 is 2x raised to 3rd power. So you can use symbols and substring to read for them. Like I use # for superscript and $ for sub. But interpreting them … | |
I'm trying to convert my C# class library over to C++ and was wondering if this is how scientific notation should look. Any pointers would be nice. [code]// Scientific Notation? private int i = 0; private string Sign = ""; public string Output = ""; public void Sci(double x) { … | |
Can anyone help me with this little problem I have? I'm trying to get the IPv4 address of the network interface is being used to access the Internet, but I'm having issues with this. Here is my source code. I am using a network interface class method Get All network … | |
I recently obtained an HP Touchpad 32 GB, and I'm wanting to develop applications for it. I'm currently downloading the webOS SDK/PDK installer, and have finished downloading Virtual Box. I have the latest version of Java installed as well. What I'm wanting to know, is that I've read that we … | |
Re: I feel like the solution was not posted in this thread and I think I shall add it for all of those who will future reference this post. The way you center any type of text on a forms application, or an XNA game screen is to get the screen … | |
I don't even know where to begin with this one, but I'm wanting to create a couple graphic controls that at least appear to be in 3D (not stereoscopic but as in not a 2D flat image) and can rotate and move back and forth on an illusional Z axis. … | |
Re: The problem your friend had is the normal problem with people. All throughout school we are taught to read left to right correct? So int turn, even in math we begin reading left to right out of habit. Sometimes you have the people that try to solve problems as they … | |
I'm trying to get some developer tools for my Macintosh Mini running on Power PC. It's OS is Mac OS X Leopard. I've tried getting Xcode but I can't find any downloads for it that don't require the developer programs at Apple's website. If anyone has any ideas or any … | |
I'm trying to create a custom control that has about 20 labels on it, I want to make the fore-color of these labels read-only, and make them change with the fore color of the control instead of all individually. The same with the back color. I also need to know … | |
Re: Take a look into the TopMost property of your form. It's a boolean value, and should work until another application has the TopMost property set to true is deployed, then multiple applications will begin to fight for top most. [code]private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.TopMost = true; }[/code] | |
Re: Never give up a search for anything friend. I don't know anything about them and haven't heard of them. However I'm sure we can both wait around for some smarter people to get online and tell us all about them. For I am interested in them as well now. :) | |
Does anyone here use Visual J#? If so can you provide some examples of syntax as well as examples of loops (for, foreach, do, while), declaration of variables, importing namespaces, how to build form style applications (a link would do on that one), and any further information you feel would … | |
Re: Stream writer I believe allows you to write to a specified path, however whether or not that folder requires administrator permissions I have no idea. | |
I'm bored and can't sleep. Don't have to be at work until 9pm tonight so I want to program, however I'm out of ideas for custom controls or methods to make. I would love to make controls for people but as I said, I need ideas. I program in C#. … | |
I'm trying to replicate the visual basic power packs controls (rectangle, oval, and line) so that express users can get a spin of these wonderful graphic controls. However, I'm having some trouble getting the basic properties of them into the properties window instead of just the code editor window. [code]using … | |
This release is an updated version of my previously released code snippet entitled "Get Internet Connection State". I've made this snippet into an actual control that you can add to your toolbox. It can be used with all versions of Visual Studio C#. I'm also posting the main source code, … | |
Re: You can use a timer. Put a button on your form and trigger the button_click event for it. Create a timer and trigger the timer_tick event. In the button_click event start the timer. In the timer_tick event use compound assignment operator += to assign and add the text from one … | |
I've developed a code that is intended to be used in an application extension (as with all my codes) that will tell you if the current computer has an internet connection. To use just include the namespace given at the top of the snippet, then the connection state is a … | |
Re: Which value is returning null, you can hover your mouse over variables to see their values when exceptions are thrown. Object reference exception means there is a null value somewhere in your source. Find out where it is and I'll be able to help further. | |
I'm trying to incorporate my custom control called "windmill" into my application extension. I've created a few properties that I want to be visible in the properties window and when I built my project and tried to use it in a test project it did not work. To top it … | |
Re: Using google research the following topics: Variables Arrays Loops (for, foreach, do, while) Methods Namespaces Classes Enums Application Extensions Classes To Research: System.Convert System.Drawing.Color Namespaces To Research (Get familiar with these): System.Net System.Net.NetworkInformation System.Net.Sockets System.Drawing System.Windows.Forms System.Threading System.IO Google is your best source of information on the internet. There are … | |
I was just washing dishes and as usual was pondering programming scenarios. One came across my mind that hit me hard. UPDATES! I would like links to information on how to make an application that checks for updates at a location on a free website (I'm using webs.com for my … | |
I've been google searching this for a while but can't seem to find information on it that is helpful to me. Is it a way to work with partners on projects over a server? If so then this would be lovely. I get tired of sending my projects to friends … | |
I just read this article, and I know the holidays are over but I still feel people should read this. It just proves how hard times are right now. [quote]Many people head to the pawn shop during the holiday season, selling their valuables for cash to afford gifts for loved … |
The End.