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5 Posted Topics
I hope this hasn't been discussed before. I searched but couldn't find a thread for this. I have an input (type="text") with some default text telling the user to enter something in the box. The input tag includes an onmousedown event which runs javascript function to clear the default text … | |
This question is in regards to the little dynamic image that you can link to in your Daniweb profile (see profile page, bottom right). I was curious how Daniweb is set up to dynamically create these images. I would like to do something similar on my site. Could Dani share … | |
I have a C# App with a form which has a groupbox containing many controls. I have the groupbox anchored Top/Bottom/Left/Right to ensure that it sizes appropriately to the users screen resolution. This app was developed on a machine running Windows XP and it has been working flawlessly for over … | |
Re: Agree that some code is needed to even begin to help, however, as a starter make sure that your MySQL field where you want to store your image is setup as data type "Blob". Research MySQL help for the various blob sizes to set it for the appropriate images sizes … | |
I am trying to read a long integer value from an Access database, do some math to the number, and save the result back to the database. I've never had a problem doing this with VB6, but with C# it is throwing an error when it tries to Update the … |
The End.