Kerry W 0 The King of DaniWeb Team Colleague

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Kerry W 0 The King of DaniWeb Team Colleague

DaniWeb recently attended the ANA Digital and Social Media Conference in New York City which brought into focus just how much social media has become a powerful marketing technique. With speakers from companies including RadioShack, Coca-Cola and FedEx, a powerful message was broadcast: social media used to be a thermometer, today it’s a thermostat!

The various speakers got that message across loud and clear. FedEx, for example, proved how social media not only drives sales, but drives how people research companies; especially those seeking employment. The numbers were staggering, but we already have a good idea what they are. After all, FedEx explained, since we’re plugged into the internet most of our day, we should gauge how much we use social media to deliver us information and then multiply that by the population at large.

Then there was how different companies are using coupons through social media to drive sales. Take Gap, the clothing company, which claimed to be the first national brand to launch a deal on Groupon which has since become a powerful marketing technique geared towards getting the best deals towards consumers and exposing brand names to audiences.
Sandy Culver, Consumer Marketing Director with Lowe, detailed how the company has moved on from having just a print catalogue to creating communities online for their customers who are now encouraged to engage ideas with each other for their home improvement. This was demonstrated to be a huge success for Lowe’s, generating sales through social media …

Kerry W 0 The King of DaniWeb Team Colleague

Thanks Dani :P ,

I just want to introduce myself quickly to the community. I've known Dani for many years and our love for geeky stuff has always kept us close. As the years have gone by we've kept close and now she looks at me from across the office insulted because, yes, I really never had an account until now.

Outside of Daniweb I enjoy cooking, surfing the web, and spending time with friends. Life is what happens when you're busy making plans, so outside of work I tend to take advantage of the moment. If you'd like to know more about me feel free to ask.

It is a pleasure to be here at Daniweb as the new PR guy. As I get settled in I will be posting about upcoming events that Daniweb will be attending and writing about, as well as future events we will be hosting and sponsoring. I look forward to meeting our members.

PR Dude

I'd like to welcome the newest member of the DaniWeb team, "PR Dude" aka Kerry. Kerry has been one of my closest friends since long before DaniWeb existed. With Eyal leaving a few weeks ago, he has stepped up to the plate to help us out here in the office as our new resident PR guy.

Let's all welcome him on board, and yell at him for never creating a DaniWeb account before now.

kvprajapati commented: Welcome :) +0